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"Why didn't it snow on Christmas?!" Yuqi cries.

Soyeon rolls her eyes. "It's like March, get over it already."

"It's January!!"


Yuqi sighs. "I just wish it would snow."


"I just want it!" Yuqi huffs, turning away from Soyeon in their bed so that her back faced her.


Well, Yuqi got what she wished for.

All the roads were closed and they were off work for the week because of a snow blizzard. A really bad snow blizzard. The power was out, which meant they didn't have heat. And what was even worse was that Yuqi wanted to go outside and play in the snow.

"Please, please, please, ple—"

"Okay, okay!" Soyeon threw her hands up in the air, heading towards the front door. "You're going to go out there and play, but you'd better be back in twenty minutes." She didn't mention the fact that she wanted her back soon because she wouldn't be able to sleep properly if Yuqi got sick.

Yuqi nods.

Soyeon exhales and opens the door, a fresh gust of frosty cold wind hitting her in the face. And you know what else hit her in the face?

A tree branch.

Surprised, she takes a step back to see a huge tree blocking their only exit. And then she starts to panic. Not a big panic, but it's there, the overwhelming thought of, we're trapped in here. With no power. With no food. Because all we have is cup ramen and there's no hot water to cook it with. No power for charging our phones. No wifi. We can't—


"What?" Her tone is snappy, but her eyes soften when she sees Yuqi trembling.

"H-how can we fix this?"

Soyeon closes the door and reaches for Yuqi's hand. She finds it cold to the touch, and she inwardly shivers. "Go and get some blankets, okay?"

"Can you come with me?" Yuqi looks around their house, casted in dark shadows even though it was daytime, due to the heavy storm clouds.

"Sure." Soyeon feels Yuqi's grip on her hand tighten, and she wants to crack a joke. She wants to tease Yuqi and tell her that this was her fault she wished for snow. But she couldn't. Not when she could see the younger still trembling in fear because she's probably never experienced a power outage in her life.

"Hey." She stops walking when they're in front of the towel closet where they also put their extra blankets. She takes Yuqi's other cold hand in hers and smiles. "Everything's going to be fine."


Everything was not fine.

Soyeon was throwing up all the time. It was mostly due to the anxiety that she was constantly ignoring, and the fact that they were living off the vegetables in the fridge because they had to eat them all before they went bad.

"You're okay, it's almost over," Yuqi says in a hushed voice, rubbing Soyeon's back soothingly when another bout of foam was hurled out of her system. She felt empty, what could she possibly have in her stomach to throw up now? She was scared to eat, so she didn't. It only made her more vulnerable to catching a cold.

So when she began sneezing, she had to go back to eating the disgusting vegetables they had. She'd already tried to eat uncooked ramen.

It was not good.

Someone will come. Someone will come and save us. Please, please let someone come and save us, she prayed, curled up against Yuqi under about five blankets. They lived a little ways away from anything, so no one would probably think to check near where they are. She almost regrets boarding the windows up, because a few years ago Yuqi had a stalker that spied on them, so they had to.

Soyeon sneezes again, and she feels Yuqi's arms tighten around her torso.

"Soyeon... I'm so cold."

"I know, Jagi, someone will come for us. Someone has to, I promise you."


Someone did come for them.

They'd missed Shuhua's birthday party, and all of their friends got worried. So when Soojin, Shuhua, Minnie, and Miyeon pulled up to their secluded little forest house and saw a tree blocking the entrance, they got to work.


"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay," Yuqi murmurs, cleaning up the vomit off of their bedroom floor.

"I think— fuck–" Soyeon clenched her stomach, hunched over.

"Just go, I don't mind cleaning it," Yuqi is by her side in an instant, massaging her throat.

Yuqi ends up having to change the sheets after that.


It's the fifth night when Soyeon hears it. Well, more like feels it.

Thrashing beside her.

She sits up, head spinning from rising too quickly. But after her vision unblurs, she finds Yuqi in a cold sweat, breath heaving.

"Yu.." she coughs, throat sore from sickness. "Yuqi wake up, please.." Soyeon shakes the younger, hoping to startle her out of the nightmare. Without any luck, she runs a hand through her hair, exhaling, her heart rate picking up at the sight of her own breath billowing in a wintry white cloud in front of her. Fuck, it's so cold in here... Please, please someone save us, she prays.



Yuqi gasps awake, her hands shaking like crazy. She looks around and lets out a quick sigh of relief once she realizes that her nightmare is over, and she—


Yuqi jolts out of bed, picking up a barely awake Soyeon and walking out into the living room. "Hello??"

Shuhua squeezes through a small hole that the group had made from nonstop carving the tree. "Thank goodness you two are alive!"

Yuqi holds onto Soyeon, trying to shield her from the freezing air drifting into the house from the open door. The older looks up at her with a hazy smile. "See? I told you someone would rescue us..."

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