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"Soyeon," Yuqi rubbed the older's arm softly. They were sitting on the couch watching tv, Soyeon sitting in between Yuqi's legs comfortably.

"Hm?" Soyeon tilted her head back to look up at her.

Yuqi dragged a finger on Soyeon's lips, poking at the soft, pink flesh. "Will you cry if I break up with you?"

Soyeon rolled her eyes, flipping herself over to hover over Yuqi. Suddenly, Yuqi regrets playing with Soyeon's lips. "You won't," Soyeon responded huskily, leaning forward to leave soft kisses on Yuqi's neck.

"I won't what?" Yuqi squeaked, finding it impossible to hold back a loud moan when Soyeon sucked hard on her pulse point.

"You're.." Soyeon trailed a finger down to rest between Yuqi's breasts before proceeding to grab one of them, massaging it over her shirt, "not ever going to break up with me."

"But what if— ahhhh..." Yuqi groaned as Soyeon placed her knee in between her thighs and began to slowly move it in a circle, rubbing hard against her. Yuqi's hips bucked involuntarily as she tried to remember what she had even asked Soyeon in the first place. 

"So why are you asking this?" Soyeon pulled her own shirt over her head, smirking at the way Yuqi basically salivated at the sight of her naked chest.

"Uh- I- can't you just answer?"

"Why?" Soyeon innocently pulled down Yuqi's pants to her knees, "let's not talk about this, it's never going to happen." She dragged her finger up against the younger's slit, finding satisfaction in the way the she writhed under her, desperate for more friction.

"Whatever! You're no.. fun." Yuqi huffed raggedly, Soyeon beginning to pump one, then two fingers into her.

"So you want me to stop?" Soyeon pulled out, quickly slipping Yuqi's pants back on.

"No, Soyeonnie~" Yuqi whined when Soyeon went back to, shirtlessly, watching the tv. She crossed her arms. "I hate you."

"No you don't," Soyeon smirked, annoying the younger even more. 

..But no matter how annoyed Yuqi is, she's still clingy as fuck, so she just angrily hugs Soyeon with a small pout. 

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