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( A/N: do any of u guys play league of legends? if u do, don't be afraid to dm me your gamertag so we can play together :> )

Soyeon watched as Yuqi dreamily shoveled cereal into her mouth. Okay, she'll be honest with herself, there was nothing dreamy about the hungry way Yuqi ate the cereal. But her arm flexed every time she picked up her spoon, and her lips puckered every time she drank up the milk. Not to mention the starving look in her eyes that could easily be mistaken for lust.

Soyeon sighs, resting her head on her hand. She desperately wished for those arms to be wrapped around her or for those lips currently covered in milk and cereal bits to be all over her face.

But, in reality, she couldn't wait until they made it to the music show today, and Yuqi would encourage her backstage before and after, telling her that she did well and praising her.

"Thank you," she says suddenly.

Yuqi looks up at her, milk dribbling from her chin cutely. "For what?"

"Just.. for being here." With me. In my life. On this planet.

Yuqi squints and eyes Soyeon suspiciously. "Are you sick?"

"No!" Soyeon quickly denies. "I'm just feeling nice today." No, I always want to love you like this and tell you how grateful I am for you but I'm shy, I don't have your confidence, jagi...

"Don't do that, it's weird," Yuqi shakes her head, going back to her cereal.

Soyeon just laughs, also going back to what she was doing. Admiring Yuqi as she ate her cereal. It's sad, she knows. She needs to confess one of these days, but, not today.

Today she'll just enjoy this moment.

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