Allergies pt.2

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Yuqi knew something was wrong when she woke up in an empty bed at 6am.

Wait, rewind to last night.


In the early hours of the morning, Soyeon caressed a sleeping Yuqi's jaw, her hand tracing delicately across the younger's smooth skin. "I'm going somewhere, okay?" A finger touches Yuqi's lips. "You won't see me for a while. Don't... don't try to look for me." Her hands cup her face, and she leans down to place a gentle kiss on her parted, unmoving lips.

Yuqi shifts in her sleep, leaning into Soyeon's hand. At that, she pulls away and stands up out of bed. "I love you, Yuqi. Thank you for showing me what love is supposed to feel like..."


She'd called everyone she knew asking if they'd seen Soyeon, and was so close to going to the police to help her, until she remembers something.


"I go here sometimes, when I get lonely... if you can't find me, just look here," Soyeon sighs peacefully, sitting in the dirt at her favorite spot in the middle of the forest. She was nervous at first, showing such a special place to someone else, but she trusts Yuqi. She trusts her enough not to be worried that she'll cause bad memories to be associated with this place. When the younger didn't say anything, she shifts her gaze to the dirt in front of her. "I know, it's weird, sorry."

Yuqi squats down, a little reluctant to sit in the dirt and ruin her clothes, but gives her a squeeze and sits down anyway. "You won't have to be lonely again, you have me now!"


Yuqi arrives at the spot quickly, and she doesn't see anything at first glance. Until she hears a gasp. Yuqi walks through a few bushes until she finally finds a small stream with a tree next to it. Propped up against the tree was a woman, and the stream was dark red.

"Soyeon!" Yuqi hops over the stream and is by her side faster than you could snap your fingers. She's relieved to have finally found her, but her breath falters when her eyes land on the reason behind the red stream.

"I told you not to look for me," Soyeon whispers, unable to look Yuqi in her eyes.

"Why are you doing this? I don't understand..."

"You won't understand," Soyeon mumbles, switching the blade to her other hand because she's downright scared of Yuqi taking it away from her. "Nothing... nothing you could say would change me, so don't try" Soyeon spits out, feeling tears slide down her face.

Yuqi inhales shakily, wanting to try despite her being told not to. "Soyeon, if this is some sort of hobby, please don't do it anymore, you could really injure yoursel—"

"Stop. Just stop. I don't want to hear it."

Yuqi bites the inside of her cheek anxiously. "Was it something I did?"

"No," Soyeon cries, "you're so perfect, Yuqi. I'm nothing special compared to you, I– I don't fucking deserve you... I hate myself... I just," her grip on the handle tightened beyond her control, her voice dropping to a point where Yuqi could barely hear her, "I can't keep living in a world where looks are everything anymore. I'd rather die."

"Jagi... you're the most beautiful woman I've ever–"

"Bullshit! Are you blind?!" Her hand snaps up angrily, the blade cutting into the skin on her wrist, a scary amount of blood suddenly dripping down her arm.

And then Soyeon couldn't see Yuqi sitting in front of her anymore.

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