Chocolate pt.2

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"This little shit," Soyeon mutters, reading through her coworkers email sent to everyone about how he wouldn't be able to attend next week due to some issues that were probably made up. "He just wants to get out of the busiest time of the year!" Muttering annoyed things to herself, she began to type an email to their supervisor to tell her that she was volunteering to take all of his shifts.

"More checks for me then, how you like that?" She snickered, suddenly shocked that her supervisor just replied to her. "Huh, she's usually so busy," she murmured, clicking on the email.

Her girlfriend, who was sitting next to her, was so sick of hearing Soyeon talk to herself. She wasn't sick of it, actually, she was getting very annoyed. So she has time to talk but not enough time to talk TO me? Thus began Yuqi's thinking time. She contemplated any way to distract Soyeon because she was getting jealous. Yes, jealous that Soyeon'd rather talk to her computer screen then to her.

Yuqi leaned forward and began to kiss Soyeon's neck tenderly. Still typing, the older didn't give much attention to her girlfriend's usual clinginess. "I'm busy," Soyeon squirmed away from her, eyes never leaving her screen.

Yuqi whined quietly, waiting until Soyeon finished a few sentences before leaning back in and licking a small stripe up her skin. She took note of how Soyeon hadn't stopped typing yet, but she was barely breathing anymore, breaths shaky. Suddenly, she pulled her lips back and bit down softly on her neck, causing a struggled gasp to escape Soyeon's pursed lips.

"Y-Yuqi, what are you doing?"

"You," Yuqi moved slightly and bit down gently again, releasing, "have chocolate on your neck."

Soyeon's brows furrowed. "What? I already ate all of my chocola–" Then she closed her eyes when Yuqi bit down directly on her pulse point, a fresh shot of arousal shooting downwards. "Mmh.." She brought her hands away from her laptop to tangle them through Yuqi's hair.

And as Yuqi pulled away to close Soyeon's laptop and lay her down on the bed, she smirked. I'm so good at distracting her.

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