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( A/N: inspired by the song "snowman" by sia and thank you to @delulu4soyeon for recommending the song to me! <3 )

Yuqi sits up in her bed happily, looking over at her phone that read December 25th. It's Christmas! She turned to her girlfriend who was sleeping next to her, but she tilted her head to the side when she saw the blanket over her head.

"Soyeon-ah," Yuqi says cheerily, "wake up!" She pulls the blanket slowly off of her face, frowning as she did so.

"No, don't–" Soyeon cries, reaching for the blanket again. Her face is stained with wet tears, and her nose is red, tissues surrounding her.

"Babyyyy," Yuqi whines, nuzzling forward to kiss her neck and wrap her arms around her. "You can't cry today!"

Another sob wracked Soyeon's small body. "I can–" *sniffle* "--cry whenever I want to."

"No!" She pulled herself away, standing up and running over to Soyeon's side of the bed. "You can't cry on Christmas, baby." She helped Soyeon out of bed, and stopped her when the older reached for clothes on the floor. "Nope! We're wearing pajamas today."

"Don't you want to go outside to get treats? You always want treats on Christmas, I can't go outside looking like this," Soyeon said, trying to wipe her tears.

"I can make my own treats!" Yuqi told her excitedly, dragging her by the hand to their front door. She draped a thick jacket over her shoulders and zipped it up before putting on her own jacket.

"We need more than this if we're going out there, we're going to freeze to death!"

"Pfft, we'll be fine. Besides, we won't be outside for long. And can you stop being so negative?" Yuqi begged, pulling Soyeon outside. Cold air hit her nose, and she breathed it in, finding satisfaction in the way her breath billowed out in wispy clouds in front of her. "Let's make a snowman!" She proposed, running off of the porch to the front lawn.

Soyeon stood, dumbfounded, as she watched her beloved girlfriend dig at the dirt with her bare hands, rolling the cold soil into three circles. She bit her lip, finding it adorable that Yuqi was still persistent in following silly Christmas traditions such as building a snowman despite the fact that there was absolutely no snow.

But by the time Yuqi finally got the three balls of dirt stacked on top of each other and started looking for a nose for the snowman, the cold was beginning to seep through Soyeon's jacket, her un-gloved fingers already feeling half-frozen.

"Yuqiiii," she whines, "I'm colddd!!"

Yuqi looked up from her search for at least one sturdy stick in their front lawn, and ran up to Soyeon with a big smile on her face. "I'll make you hot chocolate, honey," she murmurs, giving her a quick kiss on her cheek. And if Soyeon said that it didn't make her warmer, she'd be lying.

Their jackets were neatly hung and Yuqi made sure Soyeon was wrapped in a blanket for warmth in the living room before going to the kitchen. She brought out a pot and turned on the stove, pouring in as much milk as she thought would be good. While she waited for the milk to boil, she cut pieces of chocolate into small squares, keeping alert in case Soyeon yelled for her. Adding the chocolate, she mixed it with a metal spoon, always amazed when the formerly white liquid turned dark. Yuqi tipped in a few dashes of sugar just how Soyeon liked, pouring the hot chocolate into two mugs. 

They were mugs that her parents had gifted the couple for their anniversary, one of them was yellow with a cute— Oh my god, Yuqi thinks, her eyebrows scrunching. Soyeon's parents are getting divorced today...

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