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Soyeon stretched in their bed and turned sleepily to the warm bundle next to her. She forced herself to wake up, and poked the other's shoulder. "Happy birthday, Yuqi," Soyeon murmured when Yuqi opened her eyes to see who had been poking her repeatedly in the shoulder.

The older girl pushed herself up to position herself on top of Yuqi. She kissed her tenderly, her hand reaching inside of Yuqi's shirt to grip gently onto her naked torso.

"Baby," Yuqi whined through the kiss, trying to pull away, "I just woke up."

Soyeon reached her hand a little further up inside Yuqi's shirt. A moan slipped out of the younger's mouth when Soyeon's hand grazed her nipple. Soyeon smirked. "What? So I can't kiss my girlfriend on the morning of her birthday?"

Yuqi fought off another moan and tried to look at Soyeon seriously while the other girl began to hike up her shirt and squeeze Yuqi's breasts. "We both know that you're going to do more than kiss me. We have to meet up with my parents later, I can't be all wrecked. And also, I haven't brushed my teeth or shaved or anything," Yuqi tried to reason, though more than half of her wanted to follow through with it.

"No, tell me the real reason," Soyeon said, seeing right through Yuqi's lies.

Yuqi pouted. "I'm a top."

Soyeon paused in her actions to laugh. "Seriously, that's what you're worried about?" Soyeon resumed, leaning down to leave open-mouthed kisses on Yuqi's neck. Though she made sure not to leave any marks since they actually were meeting up with Yuqi's parents later, and she didn't want to have to explain the sinful things she'd done to their daughter.

"Just let me take care of you, Yuqi."

( A/N: Hell yeah! 50 chapters! 🎉 )

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