Day off

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(G)I-DLE finally had a day off, and they were able to spend it however they wanted. Miyeon, Shuhua, and Minnie all went to hang out at the theme park to ride rides and play games, Soojin planned a spa day for herself, Soyeon was on the couch watching her favorite anime, and Yuqi had chosen to sleep in.

With a big stretch, Yuqi woke up, looking at her phone and smiling when she saw that it was nearly noon. She's really never slept past seven o'clock since their tour started, and she's so grateful to have this day off.

She walked out to the kitchen and saw Soyeon cuddled up on the couch. She chuckled, thinking of joining her. But, breakfast first. Instinctively, she glanced at the stove, shoulders sagging when she saw that Soojin didn't cook for them. That was fine, she deserved her spa day.

So, Yuqi grabbed Oh's cereal from the cabinet, along with milk, two spoons, and two bowls. She plopped herself down on the couch next to Soyeon, who didn't spare her a glance. The older blinked, pausing the show when her attention switched to the sound of cereal being poured. "Can I have some?"

Yuqi smiled, pouring cereal in the second bowl as well and handing it off to Soyeon, just how she liked it, with no milk.

"Do you want to Netflix and chill with me today?" Yuqi suggested, having no problem with watching anime, but it just wasn't her thing.

(soyeon's pov now ^-^)

Soyeon chokes on her cereal, flinching slightly when Yuqi reaches her hand out to pat her unnie on the back with concern. Did she really just ask me that? That's it? Her face isn't even red at the thought of it?? Soyeon cleared her throat, barely recovering before she said, "I-I'll need some time to think about it..."

Yuqi shoved another bite of cereal hungrily into her mouth, her crunching the only thing filling the room until she finally swallowed. "What's there to think about?"

The crunchy Oh's cereal burns uncomfortably down her throat as Soyeon focuses all of her energy into not choking again. Driven by Yuqi's confident remark, she muttered a slightly unsure, "okay, let's do it." She looked at Yuqi, eagerly choosing a movie for them to watch, and she couldn't help but wonder, how many times has she done this to the point where she feels this confident??

Soyeon swallowed, setting down her unfinished bowl of cereal, and sharing her blanket with Yuqi. Her heart pumped as she nervously got comfortable next to the younger, stressing about the fact that she's actually a virgin. Ah, if I knew she was going to ask me this, I would've prepared myself or something..

Cautiously, she glanced at Yuqi, her gaze dragging down to the other girl's lips. Her gaze traveled farther, to the round curve of her breasts. Soyeon averted her gaze, bringing it back to the television. No, don't be so dirty! She scolded herself, practically jumping away from Yuqi when the dorm's door handle started to jiggle and three people came through.

"Minnie, I can't believe you," Shuhua groaned, leaning against the door frame while she watched Minnie run in the dorm to her room to find her wallet.

"It's a common mistake, don't pester her too much," Miyeon told the maknae, the eldest's eyes landing on Yuqi and Soyeon on the couch. "Oh, hey."

"Hey," Yuqi waved to her, pausing the tv.

Soyeon turned to Yuqi. "Why'd you pause it?" She asked, needing something to concentrate on other than what they were about to do.

Yuqi leaned closer to Soyeon, a smile on her face. "Let's wait until they leave. This is just our time, you know?"

Soyeon nodded stiffly, leaning away from Yuqi's face and began to wait for their members to leave again. They left after Minnie had finally found her wallet, and then they were off back to the theme park. The movie was unpaused, and Yuqi had scooted closer to Soyeon, searching for her hand under the blanket.

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