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In the line for a water refill at the airport, Yuqi noticed a guy checking her girlfriend out. She decided to ignore it since it was something that happened often.

Soyeon pressed the button to refill hers and Yuqi's water bottles, but she dropped the top to Yuqi's. As she bent over to pick it up, the guy behind them who had been checking Soyeon out whistled with a sneaky smirk. He clearly enjoyed whatever view he had just gotten of Soyeon's ass.

Yuqi's face twisted into an expression of anger. Soyeon was beyond embarrassed.

Yuqi turned to face the man. "Yah, pervert! You can't do things like that to people, it's immature!"

The man raised a brow. "Who are you to tell me what to do? I'm just a bitchless guy who sees something spicy in front of his eyes."

Soyeon wanted to shrink into the floor, something uncomfortable settling in her stomach.

"And you're gonna stay bitchless if you keep doing that!" Yuqi was thinking about Soyeon, but also the many women he might have offended before her as well.

The man decided to ignore Yuqi as he stuck his hand out, holding a small slip of paper. "Call me, okay cutie pie?"

That did it for Yuqi. If she wasn't mad, she surely is now. She blocked the guy's view of Soyeon, using her own body as a barrier between the two. "She's already taken, okay?"

"By whom? I'm sure I can do better than him."

Soyeon could tell that this guy knew Yuqi's mindset, and was purposely trying to cause a scene. He was manipulating her in all the right ways to tick her off. Soyeon put Yuqi's water bottle in Yuqi's hand, and pulled her down a little so that she could whisper in her ear.

"It's nice of you to do this, but people are staring and I don't want someone to take you away from me."

Soyeon was just scared that Yuqi would end up doing something to this guy without a lawful reason and that something would happen to her.

Yuqi saw Soyeon's eyes glistening with worry, so she dropped it. But not without clicking her tongue in disgust. She took Soyeon's free hand and led them away.

"I wish that didn't happen all the time," Soyeon complained with a small frown.

Yuqi's angry mood faded away as soon as she saw Soyeon looking sad. She had to cheer her up. Yuqi squeezed her lover's hand once, and placed a kiss on Soyeon's cheek as they walked to their gate. "It's okay, I'll just be super clingy so that everyone knows that you're taken."

Yuqi smirked and leaned in to press her lips against Soyeon's neck.

Soyeon blushed, "we're in an airport, Woogs.."

"I thought you loved PDA." Yuqi whined to tease the older.

Soyeon couldn't fight a smile, "Fine, I do." 

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