Scared Pt. 2

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Yuqi was busy watching gaming videos on YouTube, when she started to trail off towards the scary parts of video games such as hackers and creepypastas.

Yuqi is tough, but that kind of stuff really freaked her out, so she had no idea why she kept watching it. After a while, she decided to turn her phone off.

Yuqi sighed as she sat in the dark room, cuddled up in her blankets.

She could've sworn she saw a spooky shadow on the wall.


Soyeon rushed into the room, terrified that something bad had happened to her little Beijing puppy. "Yeah??"

Yuqi felt stupid to admit what had happened so she muttered, "I'm scared..."

Soyeon didn't make any comment, instead she climbs into the bed beside Yuqi and brushes her bangs out of her face. She hums quietly while she massages Yuqi's neck, calming the younger.

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