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Soyeon gasped as she heard a yell from the kitchen. She ran out of her room worriedly, being the only unnie in the house right now since Soojin and the puppy sisters were out shopping.

She saw Shuhua looking hella guilty and Yuqi whining while holding her eyes like her life depended on it. Just as Shuhua was trying to sneak off, Soyeon held her hand up with authority. "Shuhua, tell me what happened." Soyeon made her way over to poor Yuqi and slowly asked her to remove her hands from her face. Yuqi's eyes were squeezed shut, and it was red all around.

"Uhm– well–... Minnie-unnie told us to make lemonade and.. Yuqi got some in her eyes when she cut it," Shuhua stammered, looking at the ground with pursed lips.

"You LIAR!" Yuqi raised her voice to a yell, making Soyeon jump a little even though she didn't understand since Yuqi had suddenly switched to a completely different language, "you poured some on my face!!"

Shuhua stomped her foot on the ground. "C'mon, that's not true! Soyeonnie, she's lying! Who're you going to listen to, your adorable maknae, or this brat?"

"Brat?!" Yuqi retorted.

Soyeon took a deep breath, not at all understanding the foreign language that they were yelling in. "Quiet, both of you!" Soyeon huffed, the both of them quickly silencing. "Shuhua, continue making the lemonade. Yuqi, come with me."

"What!? I'm innocent!" Yuqi protested when Soyeon grabbed her hand to lead the girl out of the kitchen and into the bathroom.

"You're not in trouble, relax," Soyeon said softly. She guided Yuqi to sit on the covered toilet seat before she wet a rag with warm water from the sink and set it over Yuqi's eyes.

"Soyeon, am I going to go blind?" Yuqi whined sadly, clenching her teeth at the thought of never being able to learn a choreography again.

"No you'll be fine, look," Soyeon carefully squeezed an eyedrop into both of Yuqi's eyes once the rag was removed.

Yuqi blinked over and over again, her eyes refocusing. Soyeon leaned forward to kiss Yuqi's forehead, muttering, "I don't know why Minnie would trust you and Shuhua in the kitchen.."

"She actually was going to ask you to make the lemonade," Yuqi admitted.

"So why did you two end up doing it?"

"I didn't want her to bother you, since you were sleeping." Yuqi looked up at Soyeon worriedly, expecting a scolding for being childish in the kitchen.

"That's very sweet of you," Soyeon said after a few moments, pulling Yuqi into a hug.

Yuqi's entire body relaxed upon Soyeon hugging her, and she didn't even hug back, she just allowed herself to be enveloped in the other's warm arms. Their moment shattered once they heard a loud cry from the kitchen from Shuhua whining about how she cut herself on accident.

"Well, I've got to go take care of that," Soyeon chuckled. "Just rest now until Miyeon, Soojin, and Minnie come back from shopping and we go to the beach. Don't play any videogames, and give your eyes a little time to heal, alright?"

Yuqi nodded sharply. Soyeon was about to go and help Shuhua, but she felt a tug on the hem of her shirt. "Eh?"

Yuqi had a cheeky smile on her face as she pointed to her own lips expectantly.

Soyeon rolled her eyes but anyways placed a chaste kiss on Yuqi's lips, her head tilting to the side at just the right angle that made Yuqi want more. She sighed happily when Soyeon pulled away, the older heading out of the bathroom quickly, face pink. 

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