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"You two are absolute children," Soojin muttered, letting Minnie rub her back.

"No we aren't!" Soyeon and Yuqi both retorted at the same time. Soyeon rolled her eyes in annoyance. Yuqi crossed her arms.

"Just agree on something!!" Minnie said in exasperation. "Jeez, you two are the ones who decided to live together, don't you dare be mad at us!"

Yuqi turned to Soyeon. "Can we hang up pictures of us around the house?"

Soyeon scoffed. "Fine. Then can we paint the walls yellow?"

"No!" Yuqi disagreed, looking at Soyeon like she was crazy. "We should paint them blue, it's a more welcoming color."

"Oh, so my favorite color isn't a 'welcoming color'??" Soyeon clenched her teeth.

"Yeah! It isn't!!"

"How dare you–"

Soojin sighed. "I don't even know why we came here, I expected this..."

Minnie looked at the couple fighting, her heart hurting a little for them. "I just don't want them to hurt each other." Soojin nodded. Minnie and her saw these two as their sisters, or their children. Or both. They loved them so much and never wanted anything bad to happen to them.

"I quit!" Soyeon fumed.

Yuqi curled her lip. "You can't quit, I'm breaking up with you!"

"Whatever!" Soyeon shouted, beginning to walk out of the house.

Soojin stood up and grabbed Soyeon by the wrist. "Hey–" Soyeon's brows furrowed. Soojin dragged her back, seeing Minnie doing the same to Yuqi.

"Look at each other," Soojin instructed, "You two idiots are fighting over the color of the walls. You're going to give up twelve years of your relationship for that?"

Soyeon swallowed, tears welling up in her eyes. She broke free of Soojin's grip, reaching to hug Yuqi. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm going to agree with you on everything from now on.."

Yuqi hugged Soyeon back with a sniff. "The walls can be yellow if you want, I'll call the painters tomorrow.."

Minnie rolled her eyes, taking Soojin's hand and leading them out of the place.

Soojin threw her hands exasperatedly in the air. "I swear, those two are a living K-drama!"

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