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Soyeon laid in bed, her eyes unfocused and her breathing barely there. Her eyes fluttered shut and she didn't know if she would make it if her stomach ache got any worse. She clicked Yuqi's name on her phone and simply texted: can u come to my house? i feel like shit

She waited for a reply for a while. But once she didn't get one, she turned her phone off and sighed, hands reaching to clutch her belly instead. Woogs.. I just.. Want you with me when I'm suffering...


"Hey, you're Soyeon's girlfriend right? She doesn't feel so well right now," Soyeon's mother said to her as she stood at the door.

Yuqi fought the urge to barge past her. "That's why I'm here. My Soyeon is sick and I can't just let her suffer–"

"Your Soyeon?" Soyeon's mother placed a hand on her hip and narrowed her eyes.

"I– Just look." Yuqi pulled out her phone and showed her the text message that she had gotten.

A smile flickered onto Soyeon's mother's lips as she looked at Yuqi again. "She's lucky to have someone like you. Come on in," she invites, not going to question the kissy emojis the young girl had set next to Soyeon's contact name.

"Thank you, so much, Mrs. Jeon," Yuqi says gratefully, stepping past her and taking off her shoes. Just as she was about to head into Soyeon's room, a bunch of chocolates in her hands, Mrs. Jeon called her back.

"Your name's Yuqi?" She nods. "Yuqi, you can come over anytime you'd like to," She says, smiling warmly.

Yuqi bows her head a little, smiling as well. "Thank you again." She turns to open the door and closes it behind her, heart melting at the sight of Soyeon curled up in a little ball in her bed, the blankets kicked off. Yuqi approaches her slowly, kneeling down beside her bed and picking the blankets off of the floor. She covers Soyeon with them, her hand wandering to touch her face. Yuqi brushes a stray strand of hair out of Soyeon's face as she watches her sleep, putting the chocolates away in her drawer for later.

"You came," Soyeon whispers hoarsely, her eyes still closed.

"Of course I did," Yuqi whispers back, kissing her softly on the forehead. "Just go back to sleep. I'll be here for you when you wake up."

Soyeon reached out for her, grabbing weakly at her shoulder. "Cuddle with me..."

Yuqi holds back a squeal at how cute Soyeon's being now, remembering that she's in pain. She gets off of the floor and settles into Soyeon's bed, wrapping her arms around her.


Mrs.Jeon dries the water off of her hands with the towel, finally done with dinner. "Girls! Time for dinner!" she calls. 

Getting no response, she heads to Soyeon's room and opens the door. A soft smile plays on her lips as she gazes at the scene in front of her. Her daughter's body is relaxed and she seems to be having a nice, undisturbed sleep unlike how she'd last seen her. Yuqi is spooning her from behind, securing her in a loose hug as they slept together, something that Mrs. Jeon knows makes her daughter feel safer.

She left them, going off to put dinner away for them when they wake up, the smile still stuck on her face at what she'd just witnessed.

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