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(A/N: so in this one imagine them like 14 - 15 )

"This isn't fair," Yuqi whines, hopping onto her bike, "why do you get to buy what you want and I get money to go out and get stuff?!"

Soyeon proudly puts the money that she had earned in her pocket, flashing a smile at Yuqi. "That's because I did all of my chores and you didn't."

"I don't want you to come with me," Yuqi says bitterly. Soyeon didn't have a bike, which meant she can't go to the store to get more books to read, which means... She'll spend some more time with me! In truth, Yuqi wasn't really jealous of Soyeon's money, she was desperately worried that once Soyeon keeps up her chores, she'll have enough money to buy so many books that she'll never even speak to Yuqi again.

"But I don't have a bike," Soyeon whines, snuggling up to her. It made Yuqi blush.

"Well– I–" Yuqi stutters as Soyeon's hands slip around her waist and she can feel her pouting lips against her neck. She hangs her head, kicking the stand out from under the bike with her foot in defeat. "Get on, then."

"Yay!" Soyeon cheers, holding Yuqi's middle tighter as the bike descended bumpily from the sidewalk to the street.

When they arrive at the store, the first thing Soyeon does is lead Yuqi to the soaps, and she groans in annoyance.

"I don't want to look for it!"

"You didn't finish your chores, that's the whole reason you're even doing this," Soyeon pointed out. But as Yuqi stuck her tongue out at her and went to play with the 'testing' soaps that were free to use, she started to do the chore herself. What did she expect? Yuqi has a short attention span and she doesn't mind looking for the soap anyway.

Found it! She thinks, grabbing the foamy soap from the shelf and turning around to Yuqi. "We can go to the books– now..." She sighs as she sees Yuqi sheepishly looking up at her from on the floor. She'd most likely slipped on the soaps.

But their bigger problem was how many she'd knocked down in the process of trying not to slip by grabbing onto the shelf. Which resulted in around seven or eight bottles of soap spilled on the floor.

"Yuqi!" She's stressed out about the soaps, but Yuqi is her top priority. Oh, is that a scrape on her knee? Soyeon extends her hand to help pull Yuqi up, and when she's back on her feet, she almost misses getting to look down at her.

Someone turns the corner into the isle they were in and their mouth opens in shock. "You're going to have to pay for all of those." The store's staff has her hands on her hips as she looks at the mess Yuqi had made.

"H-how much will it cost, with this one too?" She added, holding up the soap that they'd needed to get in the first place.

She quickly counted the spilled soap bottles and pressed her lips into a line. "Twenty six thousand."

They nod and the staff goes off to fetch someone to help clean the soap off of the floor.

Yuqi nudges Soyeon anxiously. "My dad only gave me five thousand..."

Soyeon sadly takes eight bottles of soap off of the shelf and tells Yuqi to carry three while she has six. They reach the checkout, and Yuqi tips her head.

"Why haven't we gone to the books? Don't you want one?"

"It doesn't matter," Soyeon mumbles, ignoring her.

"Wait, and how am I going to pay for the soap??"

"Yuqi, shh," She silences her, watching the cashier skillfully scan each bottle.

"That'll be twenty six thousand. Cash or card today, young lady?"

Soyeon dipped her head softly to the kind cashier. "Cash," she says, bringing her money that was supposed to be for her books out of her pocket, all while Yuqi stared at her in shock.

The duo exited the store, Yuqi on the verge of tears. "You gave up your books to help me?"

"That's what I did," Soyeon says, a little sigh following. But she doesn't regret it. If she hadn't done that, something bad could've happened to her precious Yuqi.

"Here," Yuqi shoves the money that she'd gotten for the soaps into Soyeon's hands. "You can go back and buy one now."

"Yuqi.. five thousand isn't enough for a book," Soyeon gazes at her, a smile slowly spreading on her face, "but that's very sweet of you." She leans forward to place a quick peck on her cheek, spinning around and running back to Yuqi's bike because I've never done that before!!!

"Soyeon! Wait for me!" Yuqi shouts, face entirely red.

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