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Soyeon was peacefully lounging on the couch, cuddled in between some huge plushies that totally didn't belong to her.. when she heard a big thump coming from the bedroom. She buried herself in the stuffed animals, hoping that she wouldn't be seen.

"Soyeon!!" Yuqi came running into the living room, her skid and almost tripping sound on the wooden floor unmistakeable. "Where are you?! Soye— oh, found you!"

She smiled a little when she sees Yuqi's excited face right in front of hers. "What's up?"

"Baby..." Yuqi suddenly began to whine, slipping onto the couch next to her and wrapping her arms around her. Soyeon knew that she only did this when she wanted something, so she hugged her back and stared at her in anticipation. "I heard something outside, can we go?"

"What's outside?," Soyeon asks her, kissing her nose.


"You've got to tell me first."

Yuqi's lips form a pout. "But you won't come with me if I tell you..."

"Okay, okay, let's go," Soyeon agrees, reluctantly standing up and walking towards the door to put on a coat. Once they both had their shoes and coats on, Soyeon is practically dragged by a hand out the door and into the street, Yuqi pointing to a small white and blue van parked across from their house. "What even is—"

"The icecream truck!!" Yuqi tells her, running faster and almost tripping Soyeon.

The older runs with her, smiling fondly at the cute, childish nature of her girlfriend. Who even wants icecream on a day as cold as this? She wonders, rubbing at her ears that were getting red.

"Which one do you want?" Yuqi stands still in front of the truck, her excitement currently paused to focus all of her attention on Soyeon.

"Just get whatever for me," Soyeon responds, watching with a smile as Yuqi orders for them. She is surprised when a cone is handed to her not long after that looks.. interesting to say the least. It's chocolate, which is fine, but it's got two scoops, sprinkles, marshmallows, fudge sauce, almonds, and a little sugar heart at the top of it. "Alright, uh.." Soyeon says as she finishes examining it, deciding that it would take her at least twenty minutes to finish, given that it doesn't melt first, "let's head back inside now."

"Hm?" Yuqi lifts her head from licking at her own, chocolate already smeared all over her cheeks.

"I said let's go, baby," Soyeon chuckles, leading a not-paying-attention Yuqi back across the street. Due to the foggy air, the icecream truck finds it hard to see ahead and the truck speeds faster towards them. Soyeon pulls Yuqi quickly onto the sidewalk to help her dodge the danger, but a whine leaves the younger's mouth.


"What happened?"

"My icecream!!!" Yuqi cries, staring down at the little chocolate blob on the sidewalk. Then her gaze lifts to the icecream truck already fading in the distance, and tears start to form in her eyes.

"You can have mine," Soyeon offers, inserting the cone into Yuqi's hand.

Yuqi's expression immediately brightens as she started to eat Soyeon's icecream, clinging to her girlfriend's arm. "Thank you, thank youuu,"

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