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"That motherfucker cut me off!" Yuqi grumbles angrily, honking the horn.

"We don't use language like that in this house, Yuqi, there are children here!" Soyeon rolls her eyes, glancing to Shuhua in the backseat who's fallen asleep on Minnie's shoulder.

"This is a car," Yuqi retorts.

"Just keep driving and keep your mouth shut," Soyeon huffs, reaching inside of her purse for her phone to check the time. "Shit, we're going to be late."

Yuqi clutches the steering wheel tighter, "Watch your language!" she mocks.

"Well I'm the captain and I can say whatever I want," Soyeon sticks out her tongue, "now drive faster!"

"I'm already driving as fast as I can, calm down!"

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down–"


In the far backseat, Soojin sighs, sharing a look with Miyeon. "I just hope they don't crash the car."

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