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Soyeon flinched. "Yuqi, we're literally right next to each other, you don't need to yell."

"I'm not yelling!!"

She rolls her eyes. "So, what's up?"

"Can you teach me how to get out of writer's block?" Yuqi clasped her hands together and dropped down to the floor.

Soyeon took her eyes off of her phone and looked down at Yuqi, almost giving in. But, how could she even describe something as difficult as that to her? Instead of telling her that she's just not an experienced songwriter, she just replied, "I don't know."

"No, please!" Yuqi begs, pulling out a pout.

Soyeon sighs. "Fine. Uh.." She tipped her head back to face the ceiling to think for a moment. Yuqi stared up at her patiently. "You just need to feel something, then you'll get inspiration," she says simply.

Yuqi nods before reaching forward and touching Soyeon's arm.

Soyeon went back to looking at her phone, but Yuqi's hand stayed there. So, eventually, she looked towards her again, confused. "Jagi... what are you doing?"

Yuqi squeezed Soyeon's arm softly. "Getting inspiration."

Soyeon sighed. "This isn't what I meant—"

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