The Feels

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"This party is boring, Shuhua," Yuqi whined.

"I'm not forcing you to be here," Shuhua huffed, getting back to her conversation with someone else.

Yuqi sighed and began to walk out of Shuhua's house, but then something caught her eye. Yuqi turned around, in the crowded space, coming face to face with a pretty girl. What the fuck? Why is she so hot? Yuqi opened her mouth to say something, but by the time her brain stopped malfunctioning, the girl had already muttered an, 'excuse me', and slid past Yuqi.

Don't go yet! Yuqi thought, searching for the girl in the crowd. Then, she spotted her, heading upstairs. Yuqi pushed past people, walking up the stairs of Shuhua's house and finally catching up to her. Yuqi touched her shoulder and, unfortunately, part of her dress slipped off her shoulder.

The girl caught it in time, but her eyes were angry. "Pervert!" She hissed through clenched teeth, whirling back around and heading away from Yuqi. She tried to follow her again to apologize, but frowned when the bathroom door was shut right in her face.

Yuqi leaned against the wall nodding her head slowly to the painfully loud music while she waited. Once she finally came out, Yuqi perked up. "Hey!" She yelled a little to be heard over the music.

"What?" she turned to face Yuqi, slightly annoyed.

"I'm not a pervert!"

"Says who? You just tried to pull off my dress in front of everyone!"

"No, no, it was an accident!"

"Whatever," she began to head back downstairs. Yuqi followed her, determined. She followed her all the way outside, onto Shuhua's porch.

"Hey, wait up!" Yuqi called.

The girl turned around, eyebrows furrowing once she noticed that it was Yuqi. "What do you want from me?"

Yuqi swallowed. "I- um- just saw you at this party and thought you looked cool, okay? I want to get to know you."

The girl kept walking, but this time, she motioned for Yuqi to follow her. "Get in," she says, opening her car door for Yuqi. A little confused but thinking that she won over a pretty girl's trust, Yuqi got in. The girl drove in silence, her phone in her hand while she drove with one hand, fingers hovering over the button to call someone.

"So.. where are we going?" Yuqi asked, gazing at the unfamiliar scenery around her.

She didn't speak, just continued to drive.

Yuqi frowned. "Why have you been ready to call someone this whole time?"

The girl finally spoke, "I'm waiting to see what you're going to do to me."

"What? I won't do anything to you. I'm not a pervert, I'm sorry. Don't you believe me?"

She shook her head. "Why would someone as good-looking as you want someone like me?"

Yuqi's jaw almost dropped. "Excuse me, what?"

"You heard me," she says, pulling up into a driveway.

Yuqi was silent as she contemplated the situation she was in. Was she about to go into a stranger's house? And, wait– Did this girl just call me good-looking??

"You seem like someone I can trust." Yuqi didn't know that she had zoned out until she was staring at the girl right in front of her, holding the passenger-side door open. She held her hand out for Yuqi to take.

Yuqi took it, standing out of the car and finally getting a closer view of her. "What's your name?" She asked, curious.

"Not yet," the girl whispered, leaning slightly closer to Yuqi.

Yuqi smirked, leaning forward as well. She closed her eyes, wondering for a brief moment how soft this girl's lips would be. She leaned far, into air, then opened her eyes to find the girl laughing her ass off a few feet away from Yuqi.

She furrowed her brows angrily. "Hey! Why'd you do that!?" Yuqi stomped her way over to the girl, getting ready to strangle her.

"Hey, wait!" The girl cowered in front of Yuqi. "It's Soyeon."

Yuqi lowered her hands. "Your name?"

"Yeah, what else?" Soyeon chuckled, walking past Yuqi to make sure her car was locked before coming back to stand next to her.

"My name is Yuqi, by the way. I... I feel bad for what happened with your dress," Yuqi murmured, looking at her feet.

"I feel bad for teasing you just now," Soyeon admitted. She looked up at Yuqi. "Do you want me to drive you home? Or.."

"Or what?"

"Or you can stay here tonight."

"Will your parents let me? I'm practically a stranger to you."

"My parents aren't home," Soyeon held her hand out.

Yuqi took it, squeezing softly.

Soyeon stood on her toes, kissing Yuqi on the cheek before dropping her hand and running to her front door, heart pumping. She unlocked it, welcoming Yuqi in. Yuqi walked stiffly, really questioning if she was about to spend the night in Soyeon's house. Blush crept on her face the longer she realized that this pretty girl just kissed her on the cheek. Tingles crept through her body, and she wondered if just a person alone could really make her feel like this.

Soyeon sucked in a deep breath and finished putting a frozen pizza in the oven. "I'm glad I met you today."

"Me too," Yuqi smiled, making eye contact with Soyeon and savoring this moment.

She wondered how she felt so at home with someone that she'd just met.

(A/N: wrote this with the feels by twice on repeat.. thank u @delulu4soyeon for the idea!!! <3 <3 <3)

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