Stay Pt2

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(for @miyeonspookie honestly loml aha<3)

"This guy is so hot."

As Yuqi scrolls through her insta, she misses the way Soyeon's brows furrow. Yuqi clicks her tongue and chuckles when Soyeon shifts away from her. "Not as hot as my girlfriend though."

"Why do I even date you," Soyeon mutters, not looking up from her own phone.

"Because~" Yuqi starts in a sing-songy tone, "I'm smart, I'm athletic, I can sing better than y–"

"Okay stop right there," Soyeon shushes, a hand to Yuqi's lips. "I meant, how did I get together with someone who.. Likes.."

"What, men?"


"Guys are sexy," Is all Yuqi says before going back to her phone.

Soyeon tries to pay attention to hers again too but she can't. She just can't. "A lot of men commit crimes, Yuqi."

Yuqi raises a brow. "Women commit crimes too, don't they? Don't tell me that you're safe being a lesbian and never being in con–"

"I'm being serious."

Yuqi starts to laugh. "What does that even mean, Jagi? It should be, 'a lot of people commit crimes,' period."

"Look, there are studies about it," Soyeon tries, reaching for her phone again. "And it's even proven, men are more likely to commit violent crimes. Men are just violent in general."

"What about Hyunjin? He's not violent is he?"

"I'm not saying all men, it's just a large percent," Soyeon says, pulling up the studies.

Yuqi laughs. "Soyeonnie, you aren't making much sense. Didn't we both go on the Lee Mujin Service? He's not violent at all!" She chuckles, "and don't you have a brother? He's really nice to us–"

"You aren't even listening to me," Soyeon moves away from Yuqi, closing her phone.

"No, babe, don't go, come on. You're being kinda stupid right now."

"You think I'm being stupid?" Soyeon furrows her brow, standing up and walking out of the dorm all together.


Soyeon didn't come back. She didn't show up to practice the next day. Yuqi was worried, but so was the rest of the group.

"Yuqi, what did you say to her?"

"Yuqi, did you two fight?"

"Yuqi, can you tell her to come back?"

Yuqi this and Yuqi that. She didn't say anything wrong did she? She doesn't know, but she's sure Soyeon probably hates her.


It's been two days now since Soyeon's left, and Yuqi jumps when Soojin comes forcefully into her room. "Song. Yuqi."

"W-what?" Yuqi swallows. Have I messed up again? What's wrong?

"What did you do??"

"What do you mean what did I do?!"

Soojin sighs, closing the door behind her and sitting on the empty bed next to Yuqi's. Soyeon's bed. "You know Soyeon's been gone.. What happened..?"

Yuqi's stomach twisted. "I don't know what happened, honestly... I think she was mad at me because I didn't take her seriously when she was telling me about how men commit more crimes than women do?"

Soojin's eyes darken. "That's what happened?" She stood up and flicked Yuqi on the forehead. "She's got a bad history with men, you dumbass!"


Soyeon came back to the dorm after three days, face calmer than it had been when she left. A cake was waiting for her, flowers too. The dorm's lights were dimmed while plastic candles were lit sparingly around. She raised a brow, closing the door slowly behind her in suspicion. The place usually wasn't so.. Quiet. It was unusual and her suspicions were growing.

"Soyeon, hey," Yuqi says, looking up from where she's sitting on the couch. Like she'd never moved from when Soyeon left.

"Hey," She mumbles, clenching the inside of her pockets tighter as she heads to her room.

Yuqi watches her go, deciding to give her space, but she had a plan to apologize.


That night, Yuqi couldn't avoid Soyeon any longer, she had to go into their room. So, with a deep breath she opens the door slowly, sliding in and closing it. "Did you have any cake?" She starts with.

"No," Soyeon hums, fingers tapping against her blank phone screen as she listens to music.

"It's chocolate," she smiles, "your favorite."

"Did you make it?"

Yuqi nods softly, taking a few steps closer to sit at the end of her bed. "I'm sorry for how I was acting, Jagi. It was wrong of me to judge something you feel strongly about like that. I never wanted to hurt you..."

Soyeon pauses her music, slipping her headphones off as she holds eye contact with Yuqi. "I'm not mad at you."

"You aren't?"

"You were being annoying. Disrespectful. It was like you didn't even care about me..."

"Im sorry, Soy–"

"Stop," she chuckles, "just stop apologizing..."

Yuqi swallows, staring down at the bed sheets with clenched teeth. "What can I do for you? Do you just want me to leave you alone forev–"

"Yuqi." Soyeon gestures softly for her to scoot closer towards her on the bed, and so she does, moving until they're right next to each other. The older wraps her arms around Yuqi, holding her close. "Stay with me forever, alright?"

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