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( A/N: .. um so what's happening to soyeon in this one is based on some very real life stuff that's been going on with me so .. stay safe everyone and take care of your health because it's important.)

Yuqi flopped down on Soyeon's bed with a tired sigh, fresh out of the shower. "Can I sit here with you?"

"Sure," Soyeon mumbled, eyes on her book.

It bothered Yuqi a little bit that the older hadn't even greeted her when she'd entered the room, but she could get over that, it's forgivable. Yuqi pulls the blanket over herself, making Soyeon grunt when the blanket gets pulled up to her chin since she's smaller. "Today at soccer practice I scored three goals! Can you believe it? The coach said that I was this week's mvp, and I've never been mvp. It makes me feel like I'm actually improving my soccer skills and–"

"Sounds great."

Yuqi pouts. "Are you even listening?" she asks, reaching forward to play with Soyeon's dark hair.

Soyeon sighs. "Can you be quiet for a second? I want to finish this."

"Oh, sorry," Yuqi apologizes, awkwardly taking her hand away from the Korean's hair. She watches Soyeon's eyes flit carefully left to right across the page, opening her mouth a bit to lick her finger and turn the page every few minutes. The silence was killing Yuqi, and she was about to say somethi–

But then Soyeon's stomach grumbled. Loud.

Yuqi laughs. "Are you hungry? Don't worry, I am too. I think Minnie ordered takeout a few–"

Soyeon slams her book shut angrily, glaring at the younger. "Yuqi, I just want to read this book!"

With a sad whine, Yuqi pulls the blanket over her head, forgetting that they're sharing, and the blanket goes over Soyeon too. It startles her into dropping the book on her stomach, losing her page number. Too annoyed to find it again or tell Yuqi off, she sighs, rubbing her forehead.

Yuqi, I hate you! But she couldn't lie, her day-long (or week long? she couldn't even remember) headache had eased a bit the moment she heard the excited puppy singing some sort of happy song in the shower. No, I don't hate you.. She turned in the slight darkness under the blanket to face her. "The next time I'm reading, don't bother me, okay?"

Yuqi furrows her brow, about to quip that maybe Soyeon should just read when she's out of the dorm, but her mouth quickly shuts when Soyeon grips the sides of her head, face contorted in pain.

"Unnie, what's wrong??" Yuqi, panicked, pulls the blanket off of them to get a clear look at Soyeon. She stares worriedly at Soyeon, the older's eyes shut impossibly tight as her mouth hangs open. "Unnie?"

Minnie pops her head into the room. "Food's he– What's going on?" She walks quickly into Soyeon's room, looking at Soyeon and then Yuqi.

"I– I don't know! I think she's in pain?"

"No shit, Sherlock," Minnie mumbles, prodding Soyeon with a comforting hand. After receiving no response, she helps Soyeon to her feet and guides her out of the room, very close to being worried enough to rush her to the hospital.

Yuqi falls into Soyeon's bed, tears welling in her eyes. What had happened to her Soyeonnie? Is this all my fault? I'm so stupid! I should have left her alone when she told me to! What if she doesn't get better? Yuqi wrapped her arms around herself in a desperate attempt to bring herself some comfort that Soyeon will be fine.


Soyeon waved someone's hands away from her, blinking to adjust to the bright white lights in her face. "Where am I?"

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