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Yuqi heard strange noises coming from the bathroom. Worried, Yuqi curiously opened the bathroom door to find Soyeon hunched over the toilet, throwing up.

"Oh, shit," Yuqi gasped, rushing to Soyeon's side. With one hand, she held Soyeon's hair up and patted her back gently with the other. When the last of the vomiting was over, Yuqi wiped Soyeon's mouth with a tissue and flushed the toilet for her.

Soyeon immediately turned away with an angry expression.

"Are you okay?" Yuqi asked quietly, as if Soyeon was the most precious thing.

"I'm fine." Soyeon tried to stand, but was overcome with nausea. Yuqi immediately caught the stumbling girl and put her hands on Soyeon's waist to steady her.

"No, no, I can do it myself," Soyeon mumbled, removing Yuqi's hands.

The next day, 3:29am.

Yuqi woke up to a fit of coughing being heard in the other room. She got out of bed groggily and went to check on Soyeon. The moment she opened the door to the older's room, her senses were overwhelmed with the feeling of sickness. The Beijing puppy ran off to fetch cough medicine, tea, and warmer socks.

When medicine was placed in front of her face, Soyeon refused. Yuqi knew just how to push her buttons though.

"Soyeon~ how would you feel about never being able to write, compose, sing or hum again?"

Soyeon's jaw dropped in shock at just the mere thought of that. Perfect time for Yuqi to shove some medicine into her mouth. She just wanted Soyeon to get better, really.

"Yah! You tricked me, you're a liar," Soyeon frowned.

"Hey, those are good lyrics," Yuqi suggested. When Soyeon's eyes lit up excitedly and she started to scribble it down somewhere, she took that time to put the socks on Soyeon while she was distracted.

Yuqi offered the tea to Soyeon, but she shook her head. "I'll be fine, go back to bed, Yuqi."

But Yuqi didn't want to. She couldn't go back to bed knowing that Soyeon was suffering and there was nothing she could do about it. She suddenly pulled Soyeon into a hug. "Unnie..."

Soyeon coughed again, but it sounded like it was getting better already. "Yeah?"

"If you take care of all of us, who's supposed to take care of you?"

No other words were spoken for a while. And when Soyeon thought that the girl cuddling with her was asleep, she whispered, "Thank you, Yuqi." 

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