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"Who hasn't played any games so far?" The host asked, eyeing the (G)I-DLE members. Minnie and Soyeon raised their hands. "Great! Now, you two can play the sticky note game."

A bunch of sticky notes and a blindfold were handed to them. Soyeon stuck the notes to herself while Soojin tied the blindfold on Minnie.

"Let's see if you two can beat a world record! Ready? Go!"

Yuqi didn't know how triggered she would be by this game until now. She watched Minnie's big hands scramble frantically across Soyeon's body, searching for the sticky notes. The Thai's hands dragged all the way down from Soyeon's neck to her feet, feeling behind her, hands on her thighs and ass, finally finding the last one before the timer went off.

She didn't even hear the staff, host, and her members cheering for the broken record. All she could see was Soyeon's face, not embarrassed or anything, acting like how Minnie had just touched her was completely normal.

Yuqi was very, very jealous.


As soon as the show ended, the girls headed into their shared van. Not even a second after Soyeon sat down on the cushioned seat, Yuqi was on her, hugging her sides, squishing as much as possible into her lover.

"Yuqi, I need to put my seatbelt on," Soyeon chuckled, patting the younger on the back.

Yuqi pulled back for a moment, but as soon as she heard the seatbelt click, she whined.

"Why's my baby so clingy today~" Soyeon smiled, pointing to her lips for a kiss.

Yuqi kissed her, forgetting the reason. "I just love you so much.. Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"As if you don't live in my room already," Soyeon joked, a hand on Yuqi's thigh as they hit a speed bump.

"Can you two keep it down? We're busy being single over here," Shuhua huffed with a slight roll of her eyes.

"Fine, fine," Soyeon murmured, pushing her face towards Yuqi when she started to kiss her cheek. She moved to her neck and Soyeon started to giggle. "Ha, no, no, we're in the car now," she reminded her, taking a look at their manager who was driving, searching his eyes quickly for any disapproval.

"Do you guys want any snacks?" Minnie passed a bag of popcorn to the back where Soyeon and Yuqi were sitting. That's when Yuqi remembered why she was jealous.

"No, no she doesn't, we're fine! Don't talk to us!!"

Minnie pulled the popcorn back, giving it to a hungry Shuhua, lips pursed. "Uh, okay? Sorry for asking." The Thai put her headphones on, looking annoyed.

Soyeon cupped Yuqi's face with both hands, a teasing smile resting on her face as she gazed at Yuqi's angry expression. "Are you jealous of Minnie?" She asked, stroking the younger's cheek softly.

"Wh– no!" Yuqi defended, blush rising on her face.

Soyeon saw right through it. "You got angry because of the sticky note game, didn't you?" Yuqi shook her head, denying it. "Jealous of Minnie's big hands, running against my soft body, feeling against my—"

"Okay, fine, I was jealous," Yuqi pouted, leaning into Soyeon's hand sadly.

Soyeon chuckled, holding Yuqi's hand and squeezing it lightly. "I'll make sure you'll be okay tonight.."

Meanwhile, the other members groaned, knowing that they'd be getting zero sleep. 

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