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Soyeon clicked off her walkie-talkie, despite being told not to. She tapped the basement's outside entrance once softly with her gloved finger, surprised to find that it was open. She climbed through, not making even a single sound.

Soyeon climbed up the stairs of the basement, getting a feeling that this person had inherited the money she was trying to take, instead of earning it. It showed in the house that was chosen, creaky and old, seemingly not the house of a billionaire. Brilliant, Soyeon remarked to herself, shaking her head and finding the bedroom from the map in her mind of this house that she had memorized.

She opened the door, almost letting out a scoff when she saw her target: snuggled up within decorated purple sheets, clutching a stuffed animal. She took out her gun and loaded it, annoyed. Her agency always gave her the easiest missions, even though they know that she's the best they have.

That's when the girl woke, looking Soyeon dead in the eyes.

Soyeon's gun pointed at her, taking no time to think before firing it.

"Hey, hey!! There was no need to do that!!" The woman yells, holding her precious stuffed toy dearly, the old thing now sporting a hole practically through its head.

"Jeez, will you keep it down?" Soyeon hushed, hearing a bang from outside. Then she knew. This girl isn't a billionaire.. They sent me to a random address so that they could take ME out. Soyeon groaned, grabbing the innocent girl by her arm and instructing her to get under the bed.

"Hey, don't touch me like that unless you're going to take me for a date at least," The girl pouted, shuffling under the bed.

"The fuck? You just stay quiet and only come out when I tell you to."

"Since when did you become the boss of me?" Her head poked out.

Soyeon pointed the gun back towards her face. "Last time I checked, I'm the one with the gun. Now get under, I'm fucking protecting you, doing you a favor."

Finally, the girl shut up, and Soyeon hid in the closet, holding her breath. The window shattered, and those stupid ass "agents" fired shots everywhere, not even shooting anything. She shook her head in annoyance, stepping out and shooting them both dead while they were looking for more bullets on them. She waited, and waited, standing still in the room and listening for anything else. Really? They only send those two dummies to come after me? The director really is a fool..

"Let's go," Soyeon said to the girl, pushing her forward once she got out from under the bed. They walked down to the basement, and Soyeon climbed up through the exit.

"Are you kidnapping me?" She asked, hesitant to follow Soyeon.

"No! I don't have time for that. If those guys don't report back, they'll come and search this place. If we don't leave now, we won't live to see another day."

"W-What? This is my house, I can't just leave it!"

Soyeon huffed. "It's either the house or your life, kid. I'm offering you a spot next to the best agent in the world. Which means you'll always be safe no matter what." Soyeon doesn't know where that came from, or why she just promised that, but she felt a strange connection to the girl. She's never met someone that just pisses her off so much but looks cute at the same time. It makes Soyeon just want to keep her. Or punch her. She doesn't really know.

"Fine, fine," She sighed, climbing through and running quietly to Soyeon's car, stuffed toy in hand.

Soyeon hit the gas hard, speeding out of the town and driving until she was sure that they were at least a good distance away.

"What's your name?" Soyeon asked, taking her eyes off the road for a second to look at the girl in the passenger seat next to her.

"Song Yuqi," She responded, then asked, "What's yours?" She took her eyes away from the window and gazed at Soyeon.

Soyeon furrowed her brows. "It's Soyeon. But why are you looking at me like that?"

"What? Anyone ever told you that you're pretty?" Yuqi said, in disbelief, "I thought you'd be used to people looking at you like this."



Soyeon shook her head, shifting her eyes back to the road. "Nothing. I just wanted to say it."

"You don't know where we're going, do you?"

"Actually, I do," Soyeon answered truthfully, "we're going to meet up with someone who sells fake passports, and then we'll head to the airport to go somewhere out of this country."

Yuqi nodded, and Soyeon was silent for a while, her eyes never leaving the road even though they were driving through a straight stretch of abandoned land without any other cars.

"Can you keep talking?" Yuqi asked hesitantly.

"Why? It'll waste my time."

Yuqi's heart dropped. "Your voice is pretty."

Soyeon's eyes narrowed. "Are you trying to flirt with me?"

"So what if I am?"

"Well, you're not very good at it." Soyeon gripped the wheel a bit tighter. "But you're cute."

Yuqi leaned against the door, a small smile on her face. Both girls realized, if they were going to go on the run like this, they suddenly decided that they wouldn't rather do it with anyone else. 

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