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(A/N: alright whenever there's question marks in the chapter title anyone in the comments can go ahead and shout out some name suggestions <3 and.. SOYJIN SPECIAL CHAPTER because we must celebrate agassy at all costs <3 )

"Again," Soyeon called, starting the song from the top and running to get back in position.

During the last bit of the pre-chorus, Yuqi slipped onto the hard dance floor.

Soyeon sighed, making sure she was okay before saying, "one more time, everyone."

They were almost all the way through with the song's last chorus, until Yuqi began dancing the moves of the first chorus by accident.

"We'll go until we get one time through." Soyeon started the song at the beginning again.

Then, before the first verse was even over, Yuqi stood in the middle of the practice room, suddenly forgetting what her next move was.

Soyeon cut the music, turning towards Yuqi. "What the fuck is wrong with you, huh?" She raised her voice, coming closer to the younger. "Really, I can't fucking believe this. You're supposed to be the second best dancer on our team. But I might derank you because your dancing is shit today compared to everyone else's, who's actually trying their best." Soyeon scoffed when Yuqi turned her gaze away. "Song Yuqi, look at me. I can pass one or two mistakes, but five? FIVE?! In the same damn day? No! Unacceptable. I hope you'll be looking forward to extra practice tonight when everyone else is relaxing."

Her sharp words echoed around the spacious room, and silence fell upon all of them. The room was quiet, except for Yuqi's quiet cries.

Soyeon rolled her eyes. "I'm not doing anything to you, so stop being childish. Back in formation, guys." She played the song from the start, but her phone was yanked from her hands.

"No. We're going to take a break," Minnie curled her lip, walking past Soyeon while giving her a not-so-subtle bump on her shoulder. She went over to Yuqi and crouched beside her with Shuhua, rubbing the both maknae's backs soothingly. (shuhua's scared of soyeon yelling)

Soyeon shook her head with a slight roll of her eyes. "We just need to get this dance right, and then they'll be done! Is that so hard to ask?" She muttered, rubbing her shoulder where Minnie had pushed her.

"You didn't have to yell, Soyeon," Soojin says softly, helping Miyeon pack up.

"Where are you guys going? We need to practice. Now."

"We're going back to the dorm." Miyeon told her, offering a soft smile and hand to a crying Shuhua and watching Minnie carrying Yuqi on her back out the door.

"You guys don't get to decide.. That was an order! The fucking show is in three days and we still haven't been able to practice until the end of the song."

"Soyeon.. nevermind." Soojin shook her head, closing the practice room door with a loud SLAM!

Annoyed, she sat on the floor for a while, meditating.


Beep! Soyeon opened her eyes from her meditation, looking at her phone on the floor, beeping with a message.

you have been removed from "idle group chat <3" [10:48pm]

Soyeon sighed, standing up and playing the song to practice by herself. She practiced again and again, almost getting sick of hearing this song. She practiced again and again, her body dripping with sweat. She practiced again and again, until she collapsed on the practice room couch.

Somehow, she managed to get up and pack up her stuff, heading out of the building to begin a short walk to the dorms. Once she reached the door, she pulled out her key— what? Where was her key?! Soyeon knocked on the door to their dorm, her legs almost giving up on her.

No response.

She guessed that everyone was still awake from the soft laughter from the inside. She knocked harder, hoping that someone would hear her. Soyeon slumped against the door, putting her ear on it to listen.

"How long do you think we can lock Soyeon-unnie outside?" Shuhua asked.

Minnie let out a chuckle. "I think we can keep her locked out for a very long time."

"I never want to see her again!" Yuqi shouted.

"Shh, we have neighbors, pup," Miyeon hushed.

Soyeon fell onto the scratchy carpet outside of the door, a sob racking her body. She shouldn't have done what she did, she was so stupid. Stupid, stupid. What if she had just lost the only family she had? All because she'd lost her temper over something silly.

"They might never trust me again," Soyeon mumbled to herself, tears streaming down her face at the thought. She suddenly had trouble breathing, her breath shaky and broken by a cry every few seconds.

The door opened, but Soyeon was too busy crying to notice. Someone wrapped their arms around her, soothing her cries. "Soyeon.. Everyone gets really really angry at least some point in their lives. Even if you lash out at your family, it's okay. You're only human, and I forgive you. The others will too. It might take Yuqi a while, but even she'll forgive you."

"I'm sorry," Soyeon cried, unable to share the same feeling as the other that she might deserve forgiveness.

The person cupped Soyeon's face in her hands, guiding her gaze to her face. "Don't beat yourself up over this. You're strong.. and, you made a mistake," Soojin smiled softly, caressing her cheek, "now all you can do is learn from it."

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