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Shuhua is going through an interviewing phase.

"Minnie, what's your life wish?"

"To be the lead in a TV show that becomes very famous." Minnie replies with a dramatic hair flip.

"Miyeon, what's your life wish?"

"To be able to reach any high note," Miyeon said with dreamy eyes.

"Soojin, what is your life wish?"

"For you to stop asking me dumb questions," Soojin deadpans.

"Soyeon, what is your life wish?"

"Yuqi's forever love," Soyeon says, a slight blush creeping up on her.

"Yuqi, what is your life wish?"

"A fancy ring from that expensive jewelry store," Yuqi smiles.

Soyeon pouts. "Your wish isn't forever love from me?"

Yuqi shook her head. "It is; I want a ring so that I can marry you~"

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