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Yuqi watched Soyeon take a hungry bite of the piece of Soojin's chocolate birthday cake they were sharing. The older accidentally took a bite a little too big. She let out a cute noise as she tried to fit it into her mouth.

Yuqi swallowed a bite of her own before noticing something on Soyeon's face. She leaned forward with a smile, lifting her hand to Soyeon's face and tilting her chin up a little.

"Yuqi, what are you–" The Beijing girl wiped a few chocolate bits from her lips, cutting off Soyeon's sentence. Yuqi's thumb brushed against the side of her bottom lip, concentrating on removing the chocolate crumbs. She pulled back, finished, and sucked the bits off of her fingers.

"...Thanks," Soyeon managed to get out, face burning from the intimate touch and the fact that Yuqi continued to eat like nothing had happened. 

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