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Shuhua [11:16pm] woogs.. soyeon-unnie left hours ago and she hasn't come back and she didnt tell me where she was going

Yuqi continued to eat her food, continuing her conversation with Soojin. They had done a lot to get into this fancy restaurant and it was worth it. The food is absolutely to die for.

Shuhua [11:18pm] minnie-unnie told me that theyre at a party, but soyeon-unnie had too many drinks and left with someone else. i can't go cause im underage but im worried about soyeon.

Shuhua [11:23pm] yuqi can you and jin please come home soon???

Yuqi furrowed her brow, annoyed at the continuous text messages.

Shuhua [11:27pm] miyeon-unnie went out to the store and im alone. its really scary here by myself

Yuqi finally picked up her phone, seeing what was even going on and who exactly was interrupting her dinner.

It wasn't even a minute before all of the information she needed was gathered from Shuhua's texts. "Let's go," Yuqi said gruffly to Soojin, practically throwing some money on the restaurant's table and dragging her unnie by the arm out to the car. "Get in."

Soojin was so confused and had no idea why they suddenly had to leave. They hadn't even gotten desert!! Yuqi backed out of their parking spot as fast as she could and started to drive.

"Yuqi, slow down a bit..." Soojin frowned, scared at the younger's actions

Yuqi didn't answer, she was too busy breaking the law by speeding like forty miles over the speed limit. If Minnie was at the party, Shuhua was at the dorm, Miyeon at the store, and Soojin right next to her, that just crosses out all of Soyeon's friends that would be willing enough to pick her up at some random party late at night. That means she left with a stranger.

She sped through the streets, dodging cars and passing them a little too quickly for Soojin to be okay with. But it doesn't matter. I need to find Soyeon.

( A/N: thanks all of you absolutely lovely people clicking "vote" on every chapter, it really puts a smile on my face to know that you guys are enjoying my stories!! <3 )

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