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( A/N: i wonder if there's a limit for how many chapters you can have in wattpad... well i guess i'll find out if this book keeps going for a long time lol )

"Soyeon, Soyeon!" Yuqi spins the older's office chair around to face her, "what are you going to wear?!"

"Wear for what?" Soyeon questions, spinning her chair back around to save her work.

Yuqi spins it back. "Today's Halloween!"

"Oh.. I forgot."

Yuqi's excitement dissipates. "Wha.. how could you forget? I even got a calendar for you!" She points to the wall where a calendar that still reads 'August' hangs.

Soyeon shrugs, turning her chair back to its original place, facing her work.

Yuqi furrows her brows, pulling Soyeon onto her feet. "We get to dress up and give candy to adorable little kids..!"

Soyeon shrugs Yuqi's hands off of her shoulders. "Yuqi.. isn't that a little childish?" She sees Yuqi's face scrunching up and calculates that she has exactly a few seconds to explain her point. "I mean– we can buy candy or dress up whenever we want, why is there a holiday dedicated to it?"

Yuqi pouts. "Everyone else is doing it."

"I'm not."

"Soyeon, come on!"

"I don't even have a costume!" Soyeon argues, sitting back down in her chair.

Yuqi's shoulders slump. "Fine.. but could you follow me??"


Why did I even agree to wearing a blindfold when I live with a literal– she squeaks as she feels her clothes being taken off of her aggressively. "Yu-yuqi.." Soyeon mumbles, scared and a little excited for what would happen next. Damn, being blind is hard...

Although, all of her sexual fantasies are snipped away the moment she feels Yuqi slipping a costume on her body. "Done!" The younger says once she's zipped it up and taken away Soyeon's blindfold. She leads the older to the mirror so she can see.

Soyeon stares at herself in disbelief. She looked.. Cute??! "Yuqii whyyy?"

"Aww, don't be mad, you're so cute!!" Yuqi boops her nose and her laughter fills the room.

"Out of all the things.. A mouse..? I could've been ghost face or something cool!" And that's when she got a good look at Yuqi's costume that she had put on when she'd told her to wait on the bed after she put on the blindfold. "And you're a cat?!"

"What about it?" Yuqi wraps an arm around her, leading her to the front door. "We're matching!"

Soyeon rolls her eyes. But, she did enjoy it. Seeing the joy on kids' faces when Yuqi gave them much more candy than they were probably supposed to get was better than being holed up in her office. And especially when their house was dubbed "jackpot" by the children. The only part she didn't enjoy was when one little son of a bitch asked the cat to chase the mouse. Besides that bit, she had a good time with Yuqi.

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