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"Yeonnie! Watch this!" Yuqi called to Soyeon from the space cleared in the living room for a makeshift dance floor. Yuqi began dancing Soyeon's part in one of their songs.

"That's all you got?" Soojin scoffed, moving Yuqi out of the way and showing her how to do it.

"Hey! She doesn't look like that," Yuqi demonstrated once more, better than her previous try and Soojin's.

Soyeon rolled her eyes, looking back at her phone from her place on the couch that was pushed to the side to make space for the dance floor.

"Yah! Yeonnie, were you watching?"

"Don't call me that, please," Soyeon sighed, lifting her head up to see Yuqi with an expectant look on her face.

"Why not?"

"You call Miyeon that too," Soyeon explained, watching Shuhua secretly choosing a new song on the television for them to dance to while Yuqi wasn't paying attention.

"Oh, okay," Yuqi turned back around to find Shuhua messing with the remote. "Shu!! it's my turn to choose!"

Soyeon went back to her phone once the maknaes started bickering.

After Yuqi, Shuhua, and Soojin had their fill of dancing, Soyeon felt the couch dip next to her as someone sat, the said person also resting their head on Soyeon's shoulder.

"I've got it!" Yuqi suddenly exclaimed.

Soyeon turned her head to Yuqi with a raised eyebrow. "Got what?"

"Your new nickname."

"I'm going to love any nickname that isn't already taken by Miyeon," Soyeon admitted. For an odd reason, this made Yuqi's smile bigger.

"Wifey <3"

Soojin burst out into laughter on the other side of the couch. Soyeon doesn't think she's ever seen someone laugh so hard. "You– you expect us to call her wifey as well??"

"No!" Yuqi wrapped her arms around Soyeon protectively. "Only I can call her that."

Soyeon inhaled deeply, trying to force down the blush that wanted to rise on her cheeks. "We're not married, Yuqi."

Yuqi leaned her face closer to hers to boop her nose against Soyeon's warm cheek. "Doesn't matter," She smiled.

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