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"Ah, that food was so good," Soyeon sighed happily.

Yuqi traced her hand along Soyeon's stomach, then moved it to her waist as they walked back to their apartment building. "I'm glad you ate well," Yuqi smiled.

Soyeon narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "What do you mean?"

Yuqi chuckled, a smile still on her face. "I've been saving up to take you there."

Soyeon's face fell. "We could've gone somewhere cheaper."

"It's really okay," Yuqi smiled, "I'm glad I could treat you to a nice dinner out."

Soyeon nodded, leaning into Yuqi as they walked. Soon, Yuqi noticed Soyeon holding onto her like she was limping. She immediately stopped. "Baby, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Yuqi held Soyeon tighter, worried.

"These heels, they barely fit me. I haven't worn them in a while.."

"They're hurting you?" Yuqi asked, face serious.

Soyeon nodded, embarrassed that she hadn't checked the size before leaving. Yuqi dropped her hands on Soyeon's body, standing in front of her and bending over a little. "No, Yuqi you don't have to do this.."

"Get on," Yuqi insisted.

Soyeon hopped onto Yuqi's back, and the two of them continued. Soyeon forced them to stop every few minutes to give Yuqi's legs a rest, but Yuqi was determined for her lover to not be in pain, so she tried to hurry back to their apartment as fast as she could.


Soyeon was laid onto the bed and Yuqi immediately took the older's shoes off, beginning to massage her feet.

"Yuqi, you don't need to–"

"Shh, my baby has blisters on her feet.." Yuqi's heart hurt for Soyeon, and she kept massaging them, knowing that Soyeon would never tell her the truth, and that she was actually in much more pain than she was letting on.

Soyeon leaned back, letting Yuqi do her thing, and relaxed into the comfortable sheets of their bed. At some point, her feet didn't hurt anymore, and the massage was pleasurable. And before Soyeon knew it, Yuqi was done, washing her hands and joining Soyeon in the bed.

Soyeon wrapped her arms around Yuqi, who was facing away from her, and pressed her face against the back of her neck.

"Thank you."

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