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Yuqi has been working like crazy to make sure Soyeon's birthday goes smoothly.

Soyeon and Yuqi were sitting on their couch, Yuqi switching between texting Minnie about the cake's details and someone who could get her a night's rental for a river-side gazebo. Suddenly, her phone was snatched right out of her hands.

Yuqi gave Soyeon a mildly annoyed expression, "Can you please give me that back, Soyeonnie?"

"Yuqi, you're bleeding." Soyeon crawled closer to her on the couch and instructed her to sit still.

"Where??" Yuqi was suddenly in a small panic. She didn't feel herself bleeding at all. She only cared about getting her phone back to make sure Minnie didn't screw up on ordering the wrong cake.

Soyeon shushed her, grabbed a tissue from the coffee table, and carefully wiped the blood out of Yuqi's nose.

Yuqi pouted. "It's your birthday week, I should be the one taking care of you, not the other way around. I can handle myself."

"Baby, you didn't even know your nose was bleeding..." Soyeon left a small kiss on the corner of Yuqi's lips. "No matter who's birthday it is, we should take care of each other."

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