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( for XchrissyzkX <3 )

Soyeon rested her head on the cold countertop in front of her, feet dangling from the bar stool she was currently sitting in. She was angry. Not necessarily angry though, the strong emotion had dulled down to sadness on the drive here.

"What can I get you, miss?"

She raises her head and straightens her dress, reminding herself why she was even here in the first place. "A Negroni, served up."

The bartender raised a brow. "You're sure you don't want it on the rocks?"

Soyeon rolls her eyes. "I'm sure."

"Well then I'm going heavy on the Campari."

"Try me," Soyeon dares. She takes a quick look at her, natural brown hair tucked messily into a barely-there bun, and a long apron thrown over a deep V-neck shirt, hiding most of her cleavage. That's probably for the best, she tells herself after a naughty thought of wondering what she must look like without the apron.

"Here it is," She says, sliding it over to her with a smile that's brighter than any Soyeon could.

"Thanks," she says, picking up the cocktail glass and taking a sip. She coughs a bit, not expecting it to have been so bitter as the alcohol burns down her dry throat.

"Too much for you?" She smirks when Soyeon can't answer, lips pursed as her tongue tries to get used to the taste. "So what brings you here?"

Soyeon sets the drink down harshly. "I hate my friend."

"Wow, what'd she do?"

"It's my birthday today," Soyeon chokes out, eyes welling up with tears as she remembers it. "Soojin said she didn't have enough money to buy me a present, but..." She snatches the glass again, downing another few sips. "She's got this crush on someone named Shuhua, and today she bought her a car. A CAR!" Soyeon's eyebrows furrow and she stares at the counter.

"I've never heard a more perfect example of betrayal," The bartender sympathizes with her, "How is she even your friend anymore?"

Soyeon looks up at her, long enough to see a name tag sticker barely hanging on to her apron. It read 'Yuqi'. "I don't know.. I'm more mad at myself," she admits quietly.


"I'm jealous of her, honestly... I want someone like that.." Soyeon reaches again for her drink, hoping it will numb her shame.

Yuqi leans on the counter with a smile. "I know a friend of mine that I can hook you up with.. You interested?"

Soyeon blinks. "I wouldn't mind it," she mumbles, knowing that she's getting intoxicated. Why would she agree to such things if she were sober?


Soyeon stands in the fifth bathroom stall like Yuqi had told her to, waiting a little anxiously for whoever was going to come. And then, she hears the door open and sees someone walking towards her. A few knocks on the stall door, and Soyeon opens it, heart pounding uncontrollably in anticipation. But..

It was just Yuqi.

Her apron was off, leaving much less of her chest to her imagination and making her feel a familiar feeling down there.

"Hey," Yuqi chuckles, her voice seemingly deeper than it was when they were talking before. "Yes, I'm the friend that wants to hook up with you."

"You.. lied?"

Yuqi shuffles in and locks the stall door behind her. "You're so hot, how could I have let you walk away? Can I, maybe, see both of your hands for a second?" She obliges, a little confused. Soyeon's mouth falls open as Yuqi pushes both of her hands above her head, restricting her from moving. Yuqi smirks. "Did you like that?"

Soyeon swallows, her head aching from the strong drink, but her core was aching just as much, if not more, for whatever the woman in front of her was about to do. Feeling as if she'd explode the longer Yuqi stares at her like this, like she was a piece of meat to a hungry lion, she hastily nods. "Please.. Please kiss me."

Yuqi complies, tilting her head slightly to the side before capturing her lips in the older's. She breaks it quickly, moving a little lower to place an open mouthed kiss on her neck. She lifts her leg up to place it in between Soyeon's legs, and then she strikes, knee rolling deliciously on her clit while she sucks on her neck, making sure to leave a slippery, purple mark.

Soyeon's mouth falls open, an obscene moan ripping from her lips as she entirely forgets where they are.

The woman on top of her smirks. "You're going to have to be quiet," she sinks her teeth softly in her neck once more, leaving another mark and drawing another groan out of her, "do you think you can do that, honey?"

"Not if–" She gasps as her knee moves slowly, "i-if you keep doing this."

Yuqi takes one hand away from holding Soyeon's arms up to pull at the fabric on her dress. "I can take this off, right?"

"You don't have to ask," Soyeon got out, her core shamefully aching already.

"Okay, then," Yuqi mumbles, her voice dropping to a low whisper as she lifts the dress-skirt up to face-level. "You can hold this, can't you?" A sly smirk makes its way across Yuqi's lips as she tucks the fabric neatly into Soyeon's waiting, open mouth. "Ready?"

Soyeon nods, anything she could've said being muffled by her dress. Yuqi chuckles heartily, sliding a finger along Soyeon over her underwear. The older let out a whine as she tried to rock her hips against Yuqi's hand, way past the point of embarrassment.

"You need to keep quiet," Yuqi mumbles again, slipping a hand past her undergarments to reach what they'd both been waiting for. Slowly and without haste, she lets a finger drag slowly up her wetness.

An erotic groan unabashedly leaves the depths of Soyeon's throat, mouth sliding open and her dress-skirt falling out of her mouth.

The younger pulls her hand out, an amused scoff coming from her. "You can't keep quiet, can you?"

"Yes– yes I can," Soyeon tries, opening her eyes to look at the woman in front of her.

Yuqi shakes her head. "It's okay if you can't. Would you..." She pulls Soyeon's dress back to how it was originally, and slips her clean hand into hers. She unlocks the bathroom stall and leads her out backwards, a sneaky smile plastered on her face. "Would you like to come to my place and continue?"

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