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"I think my gun's got a crush on you..."

Yuqi tries vainly to struggle out of her grip. Her head snaps up, eyes swirling with fury as she spits out, "You're a sick, sick woman. God will never forgive you, you're going to hell."

The woman laughs. "I don't believe in that shit."

Yuqi curls her lip, hands starting to hurt the longer they were pressed harshly against the brick wall of the dark alley behind her back. Suddenly, the woman's hand on her hip pinning her there shifts.


And lower.

Yuqi holds her breath, almost wishing she'd shoot her instead of this. Thankfully, hand moves away from in between her thighs and instead rises to cup her face. "This is how I turned out..."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Yuqi growls.

The raven-haired girl fidgets dangerously with the trigger, the weapon still pressing hard against Yuqi's head. "You don't remember me, do you?" She laughs again, a deep, wicked chuckle that caused a shiver to snake up Yuqi's spine. "You bullied me. Back in elementary school," her gaze hardens, "and middle school," she traces Yuqi's jaw, "and high school."

"That's the past, we're adults now—"

"Karma didn't come back for you, did it? I guess it forgot. And you forgot. The hateful notes in my locker, drowning my head in the toilet, locking me out of class, burning the pages from my notebooks, reading my diary in school announcements, pouring syrup on my keyboard, paint on my drums...." Her eyes were hurt. "You moved on. You graduated college, got married, bought a house no one else can afford. Good for you," her hand threads in Yuqi's hair, "but this, this is your karma."

And then she pulls, a string of hot satisfaction coiling in the depths of her stomach when Yuqi cries out in pain. She fiercely tugs again, harder, until she's blinded by the want to rip out all of her hair. "You ruined my life!"

"I'm sorr—"

The woman pulled the trigger, a loud bang! sounding through the brick alley.

And Yuqi fell to the ground.

(A/N: does this book have too much angst?)

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