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Soyeon moved around the kitchen, chopping vegetables (much to her displeasure) while tending to meat in sizzling pans, entirely absorbed in cooking as an upbeat playlist played from her phone.

Little did she know, Yuqi, had been leaning against the doorway, silently watching her. Yuqi was mesmerized by how Soyeon didn't use a recipe, moving around the kitchen with grace. However, as Soyeon turned away from her, Yuqi's gaze accidentally shifted down to somewhere below her face.

Her eyes stared shamelessly at the sexy curve of Soyeon's ass, watching how tight her jeans hugged her body. Yuqi leaned more of her weight on the door's frame next to her, lost in random fantasies.

Soyeon, although focused on cooking, glanced at Yuqi every once and a while. Now, she glanced over her shoulder to see if the younger was still there, watching her cook. She followed Yuqi's gaze with suspicion.

Yuqi looked away once she realized Soyeon noticed, face flushed.

Soyeon immediately started to laugh, washing her hands and turning the stove low to come over and shake Yuqi softly back and forth. "What were you looking at, babe?" She chuckled, trying to catch her gaze.

Yuqi purposefully averted her eyes in embarrassment. "I- uh- nothing."

"Ah, nothing you say?" Soyeon smirked, never going to let Yuqi forget this. 

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