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Soyeon woke up before the sun had risen with a sigh. She definitely wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep. She turned over to the other side in their bed, gazing at her girlfriend. She smiled as Yuqi's facial features twitched slightly in her sleep, finding it cute. She lifted her hand, gently brushing her fingers through Yuqi's silky hair. Slowly, she dragged her hand down, tracing her face, enjoying the warmth of the lover's skin against her fingertip.

Without really thinking about it, she leaned forward to place a delicate kiss on Yuqi's forehead, on her nose and on her cheek.

Suddenly, Yuqi began to stir. Soyeon hadn't meant to wake her, but then a soft smile spread across Yuqi's face, and Soyeon knew she wasn't angry. "I'm so lucky to wake up like this next to you," Yuqi admitted, her voice laced with sleep.

Soyeon failed to hide a smile. "Ah, really?" She pulled the younger closer to her, wrapping her in a warm hug. Soyeon listened to the gentle melody of Yuqi's breath as she inhaled and exhaled, feeling their hearts beat at the same pace against her chest.

She could see sunlight peeking through the closed curtains, grateful for the fact that it was the weekend and neither of them had work today. Soyeon began to gently stroke Yuqi's back once the Chinese started fidgeting. Soyeon knew it was because she had a nightmare. She traced random patterns on Yuqi's skin, soothing any lingering unease out of her. Yuqi buried her head into the crook of Soyeon's neck, breathing in the familiar scent of the lotion she uses every night.

Eventually, both of them drifted back to sleep with the relaxing hum of traffic outside, comforted by each other's presence. 

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