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Soyeon winced in pain as she closed the door behind her, hobbling to her and Miyeon's bedroom in the dorm. She rested on the wall, clutching her injured leg with a pained expression.

"Soyeon? What happened?" Miyeon sat up in her bed, concern etched on her face while she told Shuhua to shush.

Yuqi came up behind her, her smile falling when she saw Soyeon's face. She looked between her and Miyeon, silently asking.

Soyeon let out a shaky breath, her face scrunched in pain. "I.. I slipped on the wet pavement outside."

Yuqi's breath faltered with worry, scanning Soyeon's eyes. "Can you walk?" Soyeon hesitantly set her injured leg on the floor, but a sharp jolt of pain shot through her body, causing her to stagger. Yuqi caught her, steadying her as Soyeon bit her lip, tears brimming in her eyes. "I can't. It hurts so much..."

Yuqi held back her own tears with a nod. "Okay, don't worry. Just lean on me and I'll help you to the bathroom so we can see what happened." She turned towards Miyeon for a brief moment. "I'll take care of her, Miyeon."

Miyeon nodded. "Alright.. Just yell for me or Soojin if you two need help."

Soyeon put her arm around Yuqi's shoulder, putting almost all of her weight onto the younger. Together, they made their way to the bathroom. Even if every step felt like an eternity, she was grateful for Yuqi's presence beside her. As they reached their destination, Yuqi helped Soyeon balance against the sink. With gentle hands, she helped her to sit on a stool near the shower.

"Do you want me to stay and help? I can leave if you don't want me to," Yuqi offered, unsure how comfortable Soyeon would be being bare in front of her.

Soyeon shrugged, holding Yuqi's gaze. "It's nothing you haven't seen before."

Yuqi nodded, her hands moving to take off Soyeon's shirt. She carefully slid the fabric off of Soyeon's shoulders and gently pulled it down her arms. Soyeon smiled at how careful Yuqi was being, though her upper body wasn't even hurt.

As Yuqi began to unbutton Soyeon's pants, the older flinched in pain.

"Is this too much?" Yuqi stopped, her hands still on the waistband of her pants. Soyeon shook her head, signaling her to keep going. Soon, Yuqi had removed all of her clothes, leaving Soyeon feeling quite vulnerable, but otherwise safe with Yuqi beside her.

Yuqi tenderly moved Soyeon onto the bench in the shower, careful to avoid anything that would cause her pain. She switched the water on, waiting for it to be warm. She held the showerhead, pulling it down and pointing it towards Soyeon's hand. "Is this too hot?"

"Yeah," Soyeon quickly pulled her hand away, shaking it off.

"Sorry." Yuqi, guilty, quickly turned it more to the cold side, asking Soyeon again. Once the water was the right temperature, she waved the shower head near her skin, wetting her thoroughly before reaching for the coconut body wash on the bench next to her.

Yuqi squeezed some into her hands, rubbing her hands along Soyeon's shoulders, lathering the soap across her body, not minding that her clothes were getting water and soap on them. Then her eyes came across Soyeon's wounded leg.

"Keep going," Soyeon whispered over the sound of the shower running.

"I don't want to hurt you."

Soyeon guided Yuqi's hand over the wound, letting go once the younger began to rub the soap into her wound. Soyeon's hands found Yuqi's torso, squeezing her to get some kind of relief from the pain.

Yuqi tried to clean it quickly, to lessen Soyeon's pain, so she finished covering it in body wash, picking the shower head back up to run the water against the huge gash in Soyeon's leg.

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