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Soyeon sat on the couch, cuddled in a blanket with Yuqi's arm around her. They were currently watching Yuqi's favorite movie, but Soyeon's focus slowly left the screen as she felt a strange, but familiar, surge of desire within her. She shifted uncomfortably, leaning against the younger's arm around her for support. Meanwhile, Yuqi was fully immersed in the movie, her gaze glued to the screen.

Soyeon tried to concentrate on the film, but her mind was consumed with thoughts of something else. She glanced at Yuqi, noticing a deep frown forming on her girlfriend's face due to the intense scene unfolding on the screen. She turned back to it, trying her best to concentrate and not disturb her girlfriend. Soyeon pushed her heel against her core, rolling her hips to try and create some sort of friction.

Letting out a small whine at the feeling, she was unable to suppress it any longer. So, she gently placed her hand on Yuqi's thigh. "Yuqi...," she whispered, her voice heavy.

Startled, Yuqi's attention quickly shifted to Soyeon. "What's wrong, babe?" she asked, slightly annoyed as she paused the movie.

Soyeon's cheeks flushed, her boldness deserting her for a brief moment. She ran her hand up against Yuqi's thigh. "Well, I'm feeling a know.." she tried to admit sheepishly.

Yuqi raised an eyebrow, torn between being understanding and wanting to finish her movie. "Right now?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Soyeon nodded, shamelessly rolling her hips again against the heel of her foot as her hand explored Yuqi's thigh.

Yuqi sighed. "But we're almost at the most exciting part of the movie," she protested, pointing at the screen. "Can't you wait a little longer?"

Her disappointment evident, Soyeon slumped back into the couch, her hunger remaining unsatisfied. "I guess so. But it's impossible for me to concentrate."

Understanding flickered in Yuqi's eyes as she turned to fully face Soyeon, leaning forward to kiss her.

"Mmh," Soyeon groaned, rolling her hips one more time as Yuqi kissed her. But she felt guilty. Soyeon pulled away. "Let's finish your movie," she said sincerely, reaching to unpause it.

"Really?" Yuqi asked, unable to contain her excitement.

"Really," Soyeon confirmed with a small smile, even though she was disappointed. 

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