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Soyeon clicked pause on the replay in her headphones for the nth time, adding a bass again in the second chorus. There, that sounds better. When she finally finished polishing up the instrumental, she texted for Soojin to come into her studio. I'm so glad that I recorded the guide yesterday.. Soyeon thinks, rubbing her eyes. She felt like she hadn't seen actual daylight in days, her skin getting noticeably less bright and glowing.

Her phone buzzes, it's Yuqi.

Soyeon doesn't respond, pushing her phone away and resting her head on her desk, closing her eyes. She didn't want to deal with Yuqi now, she was afraid that Yuqi was going to be mad at her. Soyeon had been pushing back Yuqi's "let's play at the arcade together" date back ever since she got the idea for this new song. So, it's been about a week.

Or two?

I don't fucking know anymore.. honestly..

"Soyeonnn, are you awake~?" Soojin's soft voice filled the soundproof room and she laid her hands gently on Soyeon's shoulders.

"Huh? What? How long?"

"I think you fell asleep after you texted me because I tried to call you and say that I was busy and it would take me an hour to get here..."

"I was sleeping for an hour??" Soyeon groans, letting out a small cry. The time she wasted sleeping, she could've invited Shuhua over, who lives much closer, and gotten her recording done while Soojin was on her way. So much time wasted.

Not having much energy, Soyeon waved her hand to Soojin and started gesturing towards the recording booth. "Did you warm up yet?"

"No," Soojin replied sheepishly. "I took a taxi here, I couldn't."

Soyeon breathed out a long sigh, beginning to lead Soojin through their usual singing exercises. She sent a text to their group chat, telling them that they all had better warm up and be ready to come to her studio because she wasn't about to waste any more time.

Soojin, worried about Soyeon typing furiously on her phone while she finished warming up by herself in the booth, holding the lyrics and notes that Soyeon had given her, brought out her phone. She sent a message to Yuqi.

Soojin: woogs she's kinda out of it..

Yuqi: yeah i saw the group chat..

Yuqi: my poor baby :<

Yuqi: how bad is it?

Soojin peeked through the recording booth's glass to look at Soyeon.

Soojin: she doesn't have any bags under her eyes, but she's been in that same purple shirt for weeks. i don't think she's eaten since last night, there's leftovers on her desk.

Yuqi: okay i'll do something about it

Soojin: don't do anything stupid

Yuqi: what would count as stupid?

She thought for a moment before responding. Soojin: don't come here and demand she rest, we both know that won't work. do something more.. elaborate. or subtle.

Yuqi: copy that

Soojin stared at the English phrase, hoping that it didn't say anything concerning, putting away her phone. She cleared her throat, startling Soyeon who was adjusting the volume on the microphone which she was going to hear Soojin out of. Soyeon struggled for a moment, before playing the audio file of the song's instrumental in Soojin's headphones.

"How is it?" She asked, playing with the yellow hairclip that Yuqi had given her on their last shopping trip. She always came to Soojin for advice about anything, which is why she was getting stressed and fidgety when Soojin didn't say a word about how she's been holed up in her studio this past week.

Her phone dinged again. She looked at her messages, pursing her lips when she saw that it was from Yuqi. I should say something to her, shouldn't I? She clicked on Yuqi's contact name, her entire body freezing up. There was a picture sent. In the picture, Yuqi's phone was on the floor being held up by a box or something. On the floor also sat Yuqi, pouting, and with not one piece of clothing on. The way she was positioned obstructed Soyeon's view of her most private areas, but it was clear what reaction Yuqi wanted from the photo.

Ding! Her phone went again. Soyeon swallowed, pulling the collar of her shirt away from her neck because it currently felt like she was choking. Is it hot or is it just me? Do I have the aircon on?

Yuqi: soyeon I miss you 😘

Yuqi: come home pleaseeee

Soyeon hurriedly typed back. Soyeon: can you come to my studio??

Yuqi: nope, you have to come home.

Soyeon's fingers hovered over the keyboard, but the picture distracted her. She took a deep breath, finding it impossible to peel her eyes away. Slowly, a hand slunk towards the waistband of her pants.

Yuqi: you got distracted i can tell. i'm so hot, aren't i?

Soyeon blushed, slipping a hand in her pants. What? How does she know me so well??  Wishing she was there but not wanting to stop working on the song, Soyeon slipped a finger past her folds, letting out a quiet groan. Why can't Yuqi just come here? Another finger. It'd be so much easier for me to—

"Soyeon, are you okay?" Soojin came around the corner with a worried expression.

Soyeon yelped, retracting her hand from where it was. Her phone fell to the floor, screen side up. She scrambled to pick it up, face getting redder. "I-I'm okay, yes!"

Soojin narrowed her eyes. "What was that? What happened?"

Soyeon turned her phone off, standing up out of her chair. She stretched slightly, having been in that chair all day. "Let's go, I've decided that we should do this tomorrow." She slipped her shoes on and turned the lights off, dashing excitedly outside.

Soojin trailed slowly behind her, looking for an open taxi. All she could wonder was, What the fuck did Yuqi say to her?

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