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Yuqi walked along the path in the forest, calm and peaceful. Soyeon was walking beside her, looking up at the trees towering above them. Suddenly, a coyote howled in the close distance. Yuqi didn't so much as flinch.

"Ah!" Soyeon jumped, standing a little closer to Yuqi.

"Did that scare you?" Yuqi wondered, furrowing her brows at the sound of Soyeon's breathing going twice as fast now.

"Y-yeah. Um, are you sure some monster isn't going to snatch us away or something? I mean.. We're in the middle of the damn forest..." Soyeon trailed off, looking behind them worriedly when she heard a tree branch creak.

"You don't have to worry, I'll protect you," Yuqi murmured, prompting her to keep walking. Yuqi brushes her hand against Soyeon's, heart beating a little faster. Soyeon lightly touched her back, and Yuqi took it as a good sign. She slid her hand into Soyeon's, slotting her fingers between the older's.

Yuqi gathered the courage to look at Soyeon and engrave in her brain how beautiful she looked right now, so she gave Soyeon's hand a squeeze. Soyeon looked up at her, moon reflecting in her eyes. Yuqi hadn't prepared herself for such a moment like this.

Soyeon took her other hand, making herself taller by standing on her toes. Her eyes were on Yuqi's lips, but she glanced back at her eyes for permission. Yuqi leaned in further, until she could feel Soyeon's warm breath on her face.

They heard another howl, closer this time.

Soyeon's breath hitched, and her body stiffened. She was about to look into the pitch-black forest, but Yuqi pressed their foreheads together, lips curling in a smile. "I told you that I would protect you."

"I know, but I'm scare—"

"You'll always be safe when you're with me," Yuqi whispered, squeezing the older's hands once more. She didn't pull away until she knew Soyeon had calmed down, and the two continued their date, walking through the forest in the dark. Soyeon allowed a sense of peace and safety envelop her, believing Yuqi's words that she would be protected. 

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