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Soyeon sat in the corner of the classroom as everyone began to choose their partners for the upcoming project. Soojin had told her that she wasn't going to be her partner anymore because she wanted Soyeon to make some friends. Last project, Soyeon had gotten by doing all the work herself since a student was absent, making for an odd number. But this time, all of the students were present, meaning she had to find a partner. The problem is though, no one wants to be her partner.

Well, at least that's what she thought until someone started to approach her. She mentally prepared herself for conversation as she recognized the class clown, or, the one who never stops talking.

"Hi! Can we be partners?"

Soyeon's eyes accidentally landed on the girl's pants since she was sitting down and they were like, right there in her face. "There's a hole in your pants," she says flatly, looking back up at the girl's face.

She watches as her face contorts to an expression of panic, and she quickly starts looking at herself. "Where??"

"Start being nice to someone for once, then you'll get some friends," Soojin had told her. Soyeon sighs inwardly, standing up and pushing herself against the other girl. "Let's go to the bathroom. Walk close behind me."

"But—" the girl tried to protest, her cheeks red.

"Do you want me to help you or not?" Soyeon asks, her words harsh but her voice is soft, genuinely sympathetic for this poor girl. If Soyeon had a hole in her pants, she'd want some help. So, she continues, not minding the couple stares they got walking through the classroom basically like a sandwich. She thinks that they would've gotten more stares if someone had noticed the hole in the girl's pants.

She tries not to think about how the girl's breasts are pressed against her back or how her hands hold her waist carefully to make sure none of herself gets exposed. This was a horrible time to be gay.

Thankfully, they both made it to the bathroom, and Soyeon led her into one of the stalls. She expertly dug the sewing needle and thread out of her pocket that she always kept there. Yes, because she's weird, but also because she always dreamed of a time like this where she could save the day with her precious sewing needle. Although, most of her fantasies with her needle involved stabbing someone, not sewing.

"So, you're going to have to take off your pants," Soyeon says to her, pursuing her lips.

She swears she can see the girl visibly sweating. "W-what? Can't you just sew with them on?"

"Not unless you want me to touch your.. down there."

She furrowed her brows in thought, before finally nodding at Soyeon. She stuck her hand out and prompted her to shake it. The girl gripped her hand tight. "You promise not to say anything?"

"Yeah, I promise," Soyeon rolled her eyes, shaking her hand. "What's your name, anyways?"

"Song Yuqi!" She replied enthusiastically, as if she had come up with it herself. She then let go of Soyeon's hand, slipping off her pants and handing them to her.

Soyeon averted her eyes from staring too much as Yuqi sat on the toilet without any flipping pants on, next to her. She shook her head and turned away, slowly tying the thread to the needle and beginning to work in silence. She didn't pay attention to how Yuqi bounced on the toilet seat excitedly as she told Soyeon random things about her day. It's not like they were friends.

Soyeon froze. Someone had asked to be her partner for the project. Someone was willingly talking to her right now. This is what she's been hoping for all year. Hesitantly, she began to talk to Yuqi as she fixed up the hole, hoping that they weren't missing any class. "All done!" She said with a smile, Yuqi's perky attitude spreading to her. She turned to give the pants back to Yuqi, but she paused, forgetting that the girl was only sitting in her underwear.

Yuqi blushed. Soyeon started laughing.

"You have spiderman underwear?!" She cackled, bending over from laughing so hard.

"Yah, you promised you wouldn't say anything!!" Yuqi pouts, hastily putting her pants back on.

Soyeon recovered, following Yuqi out of the bathroom, still giggling. She put her hand on the girl's shoulder and smiled up at her. But once Yuqi actually looked back at her, Soyeon's smile faltered, the words that she had practiced with Soojin a million times died in her throat. Can we be friends?

"What is it?" Yuqi asked, teasingly raising her eyebrows, "You must know that we're besties now, right? You're not getting rid of me anytime soon. So, whatever you're gonna say, save it for when I sleepover at your place tonight!" And with that, Yuqi skipped on to her next class, leaving Soyeon standing in the middle of the hallway.

Soyeon sniffed, blinking back any tears. Had she just made a friend that wasn't Soojin..? Soyeon's lips broke out into a big smile, copying Yuqi and skipping back to her own next class. 

I just made a friend all by myself!!!

(A/N: do u guys care for me writing smut??)

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