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Soyeon gasps herself awake, head having slipped off of its former position on the palm of her hand that was propped up by her elbow. She blinks furiously to try and rid her eyes of the black spots dotting the edges of her vision, until she realizes that it's not possible.

She winces, now conscious enough to hear the music blaring dangerously loud through her headphones, hurting her ears and adding to the already sickening headache she can feel coming on.

With bloodshot eyes, she looks at her monitor, squinting as she moves her head slightly to the side to see past the blackness threatening to overtake her sight. She's staring at a producing application, presumably one she paid a shit ton of money for. She drops her arm – it lands with a crude, painful thump on the desk she's sitting at – to click at the mouse.

What a fool she was to assume that turning off the music would solve everything.

Teeth clenched, she looks down at the scribbled lyrics in her notepad, the bright, white light emitting from the screen being too much. The words she wrote just hours ago seemed to be jumping all around the page, all jumbled and frantic looking.

She barely feels the soft hands beginning to rub at her shoulders until they hit a throbbing spot on her neck. She moves away in shock.


"W-what time is it?" Soyeon closes her eyes in pain, her throat sore from not speaking. And the non existent amount of water that she's had today didn't help either. 

"Who cares? You haven't slept in two days. There are black circles under your eyes, unnie.." Yuqi, unlike her usual teasing self, sounds genuinely concerned.

Soyeon expected some brutal curse to come from her own mouth, but all she says is, "I need.. to finish.."

"No. What you need is rest."

"You can't tell me what to–"

"Bed. Now."


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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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