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"So?" Soyeon stood at her front door, pajamas on, hair disheveled, and very, very annoyed. "What's so important that you had to come all the way to my house at 2am??"

Yuqi leaned against the door frame of Soyeon's house, pausing to catch her breath, before picking her head up. "I.. I just wanted to see you." A small smile broke onto her face as she looked at Soyeon with more love than she could even begin describe.

"Oh, fuck you," Soyeon stepped to the side to let Yuqi in, closing the door behind her. "You've disturbed my sleep! Do you know how long it will take me to fall back aslee—"

Yuqi shut Soyeon up, pressing her lips against hers. She pulled away when she noticed that Soyeon wasn't kissing her back, and leaned on Soyeon with a small sigh. "I take it you don't want to see me?"

"It's 2 am, Yuqi."

"And? I love you, no matter what time it is."

Soyeon pushed her against the counter. "You're so cheesey." She pursed her lips, then let out a sigh. "Tell me the real reason you ran all the way to my house. Did you really want to see me or just wanted to get in my pants?"

Yuqi found herself pressing her hands on Soyeon's torso with a soft chuckle. "I really wanted to see you."

Soyeon tried to fight the smile that wanted to form on her face. But she couldn't. Not when Yuqi was looking at her like she was her everything.

"I'm sorry I woke you up, baby," Yuqi murmured, eyebrows furrowing. "I'll carry you back to bed."

The younger slid her hand on Soyeon's back, tilting her back so that she held her in her arms. She carried her across the small house into her bedroom and lowered her onto the sheets.


"What's wrong?"

Soyeon lifted her hand to touch Yuqi's face, gently touching a scar just above her eyebrow. "You're so beautiful." Then she moved her hand to grab Yuqi's. "Sleep with me?"

Yuqi laughed as she looked at Soyeon on her small bed. "And where am I going to sleep, the floor?"

"Just come here, you'll fit," Soyeon insisted, seconds away from just yanking on her arm and pulling her into the soft sheets. Yuqi gave in, scooting in next to Soyeon, wrapping her arms around her so that she wouldn't fall off the bed. But also because she knows that Soyeon likes to be little spoon.

"Are you trying to suffocate me?"

"I'm cold," Yuqi huffed, snuggling her face into the nape of Soyeon's neck.

"That's a good excuse."

"I know. I love you."

"How come you keep saying that? I'm just another person in this world."

"Soyeon, I love you so much.." Yuqi planted a chaste kiss on her neck.

"Stop it... it's getting annoying."

"If you don't love me back then why'd you let me in? Why are you cuddling with me?"

Soyeon bit her lip, reaching for Yuqi's hand. "I do, I just don't say it every four seconds."

"Rude," Yuqi teased, intertwining their fingers.

Soyeon closed her eyes and exhaled slowly, trying to fall back asleep. "Goodnight, Yuqi. I love you."

Yuqi mumbled something happily, snuggling back into Soyeon's body.

(A/N: my ex hugged me and my brain just got inspiration for fluff isn't that sad i thought i moved on😭😭)

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