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(A/N: for @miyeonspookie <3)

"Are you ready yet?" She was referring to the thing she'd been trying to show Yuqi all day, but the younger had kept getting distracted. At everything. It was starting to make Soyeon just a tad inpatient.

"Look at that!" Yuqi pulls Soyeon into a cutesy shop, eyes shimmering with excitement, "can we get some treats?" She points to the rows of pastries and baked goods lined up behind shiny-clean glass.

Soyeon sighs, eyes flicking over the prices under each group of desserts. The prices that she knows Yuqi's currently blind to. "You know my wallet's going to cry, right? No– actually, it's already crying because, if you even remember, I just bought an apa–"

"I know, I know," Yuqi waved her hand in the air to get her to stop talking, "but pleaseee?"

Knowing she won't be able to resist, Soyeon just waves her off to fetch whatever treats she wants, resting more of her weight onto one foot comfortably. She watches as she stands in line and picks out a few confections, boredly zoning out per usual, until she blinks and sees Yuqi paying. And the desserts on the plate were... doesn't she not like muffins? What?

"Yuqi," Soyeon huffs when the younger is back by her side, "why did you buy these if you aren't going to eat them?"

"Shush," Yuqi mumbles, picking one of the three up and bringing it to Soyeon's lips, "they're for you, silly."

"Are your hands even cl–"

"Shhh, just eat while it's still hot, I asked them to warm it."

With an amused snort, she opens her mouth and lets Yuqi feed her, shoulders falling from their previous tensed state as her face lights up a little, almost matching Yuqi's energy. "It's good," she says after swallowing, reaching for another bite.

"Let's keep walking," Yuqi says, giving the paper plate to Soyeon while she rests an arm over her shoulder. They continue on their stroll to their destination, Yuqi occasionally brushing scattered crumbs off of the older's face.

Suddenly Soyeon's walk gets slower. "Aren't you hungry too?" There was still one more muffin on the plate.

"No, you can have it," Yuqi shrugs.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm–" rrrrrumble. Guilty eyes drop immediately to the ground, fearing her response.

Whatever scolding Soyeon was going to give, she holds back, just opting to give the plate to Yuqi. "Eat," is all she says, continuing to walk without waiting for her to catch up.


"Here we are," Soyeon says proudly, holding her keys tightly in one hand, and Yuqi's in the other. After clearing her throat, she sticks it in the key-hole, turning it and opening the door.

Yuqi drops her hand, walking in excitedly. "This is all yours?!"

The place was nice, very much worth her money for one bedroom, one bathroom with the shower and bath separate, a few closets, big kitchen area with smooth white counters, a living room that was thankfully already furnished with a couch, and an extra little room that she assumed she would use for laundry machines or extra storage. It was bigger than it had seemed online, much to her pleasure, and the windows even had curtains already so she wouldn't have to waste any time measuring.

Soyeon takes her time in taking off her shoes neatly, smiling as she also arranges Yuqi's shoes that she had kicked off recklessly. "Pabo. It's our place."

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