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Soojin hurriedly ran out of the dorm, with Miyeon's hand in hers. They caught their leader just as she was getting off of the elevator.

Miyeon pat Soyeon on the shoulder softly. "Goodluck in there," she chuckled, heading toward the elevator.

Soyeon took off her headphones, and put her hand through the elevator so that the doors opened again. "What do you guys mean?" She asked, confused.

Soojin inhaled slowly before meeting Soyeon's eyes. "Yuqi's had Jungkook's new song on repeat all day, waiting for you to come back."

"...oh," Soyeon said, retracting her hand from stopping the elevator. A rosy color made its way to her cheeks as she turned around and started to walk towards their dorm room.

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