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"My trunk is filled with stuff for a picnic cart ~ " Yuqi hummed, not bothering to turn on the light in her and Minnie's shared room before pulling off her shirt and pants, searching for pants that maybe felt clean in their unsorted pile by the wall.

Before she could dig for a shirt, cold lips were pressed against the area between the nape of her neck and the back of her shoulder, equally cold arms trying to wrap themselves around her waist.

Yuqi let out a small yelp, pushing the person back and dashing towards the light switch. The room was filled with a bright light, and, on the floor sat a half-naked Soyeon looking shocked.

"Ah! Sorry, Jagi.. I thought you were a sasaeng or Minnie or something," she explains, seizing Soyeon's hand in her own to pull her up.

"No, it's fine, I shouldn't have—"

"Noooo," Yuqi whines, reaching for Soyeon dramatically when the older started to turn away. She was desperate for attention after coming back from recording a collaboration with someone that she barely knew, and on top of that, Soyeon rarely shows her affection for Yuqi.

Soyeon chuckles, allowing herself to be wrapped in Yuqi's 'stay in my arms forever' hug. As much as she loved cuddling Soyeon, Yuqi loved to tease her twice as much.

"So, why are you only in your underwear? Were you perhaps.. waiting for someone?" Yuqi pulls Soyeon away from her with a small smirk. Soyeon groans, hiding her face with her hands. "What would you have done if Minnie came in?" Yuqi asked, watching Soyeon's face get even redder.

But Soyeon liked to tease Yuqi too.

"I was waiting for someone," Soyeon says, pushing against the younger's chest until her back hit the wall. "I was waiting for you. I sat in your bed in the dark until you came back from the show, then when you came in I waited until you'd taken your clothes off so that we could..." Soyeon's lips hovered above Yuqi's, Soyeon standing on her toes. A quiet whine left Yuqi's mouth when Soyeon landed back on her heels, her feet growing tired of holding all of her weight on her toes. She stepped away from Yuqi with a sigh. "But now I don't feel like it."

Yuqi frowned. "Why?? What about me?"

Soyeon narrowed her eyes with a teasing smile. "My butt hurts because you pushed me on the floor, I'm not sure I could—"

She's not able to get out the rest of her sentence before Yuqi has her lifted in her arms, her hands around Soyeon's ass while Soyeon's legs clenched around Yuqi's middle. Yuqi carried her to her bed, letting her down softly and beginning to kiss her without hesitation.

Soyeon kisses Yuqi back roughly, the arousal that she had felt earlier this morning when she had planned this was beginning to come back to her as Yuqi moaned at the mere action of Soyeon palming her over somehow already soaked underwear. Soyeon smiled mischievously when Yuqi pulled away only to leave open-mouthed kisses all over her neck and shoulders.

"Did me pinning you against the wall turn you on that much?"

"Oh, shut up," Yuqi muttered, cheeks pink, continuing to kiss her way down to Soyeon's stomach where she was the most ticklish.

"Ah, ah, not there," Soyeon squirmed, giggling, while Yuqi attempted to leave marks on Soyeon's slightly toned stomach.

"Then where?" Yuqi moved away, rubbing her hand against Soyeon's clothed sex. "Here?" She got nothing but a cute groan in response. It didn't take long for Soyeon's underwear to be kicked off, and Yuqi's fingers to enter her.

It also didn't take long for Soyeon to grab Yuqi's unoccupied hand, breathing heavily, "I-I'm close– shit–"

"Yeah, I'll watch it with you, Yeon, just going to get my pajamas!" Minnie yelled, heading into her and Yuqi's room. She opened the door, brows furrowing at the scene in front of her.

Yuqi slid on top of Soyeon, not moving her fingers anymore, trying to hide Soyeon's bare body from Minnie. "Unnie, it's not what it looks like.." Yuqi says, trailing off awkwardly.

"Surprisingly, this isn't the most weird thing I've seen in this dorm," she sighed, turning around and closing the door behind her.

Soyeon couldn't help but let out a small huff of laughter, reaching for Yuqi's hand with fingers buried inside of her sensitive walls. "Keep going," she whines, her eyes that were previously full of laughter suddenly turning dark.

Yuqi, shaking away embarrassment, continued pumping her fingers steadily in and out. Her breath caught in her throat as Soyeon rolled her hips around Yuqi's fingers seductively, their eyes locking. Yuqi exhaled, averting her eyes from Soyeon's intense stare and instead to the way she pushed her hips forward to meet every thrust.

"Yu.. qi.." Soyeon moaned softly as she came undone around Yuqi's fingers, not one to be loud during these times.

Yuqi retracted her hand from its former position between Soyeon's thighs and brought them up to her mouth.

"Don't you dare," Soyeon warned, still panting.

"What? I want to taste you," Yuqi pouted.

Soyeon clenched her teeth as she unexpectedly felt a wave of heat pooling downwards at the sight of Yuqi licking her slicked fingers clean. The younger finished, wrapping her arms around Soyeon, nuzzling and kissing every spot where she'd left a dark red mark earlier.

Yuqi sighed happily. "We'd better have clothes on before Soojin comes in here to see if we're asleep. She might not be so forgiving as Min–" her sentence was cut off with a small squeak as Soyeon flipped them over, beginning to strip Yuqi of her underwear with a small smirk.

"It's my  turn." 

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