Nickname pt. 3

213 14 5

( A/N:  gidleontop tysmmmmmmm for this cute prompt <333 )

"Can I have one?" Yuqi reached for Soyeon's bag of chips.

Soyeon pulled them away, rolling her eyes. "Sure." She took one chip out of the bag, placing it near Yuqi's mouth.

Yuqi's brows furrowed. "I'm not a dog! Just put it in my hands."

Soyeon smirked, deciding to tease her. "No, just eat it." She moved the chip away when Yuqi tried to grab it.

Minnie looked up from playing Uno, watching Soyeon move a chip away from Yuqi, who was trying to grab it. "What the fuck are you two doing? You look ridiculous."

Yuqi huffs. "Fine!" She sits patiently, until Soyeon moves the chip closer to her mouth. She bites at it recklessly, causing Soyeon to yelp and retract her hand hurriedly.

"Are you trying to kill me? Jeez!"

"Thanks, mommy," Yuqi says in annoyance, crunching on the chip.

From the middle of the room, in the Uno circle, everyone started laughing. "Did she just call you–" Minnie was laughing hard, "--mommy??"

Shuhua giggles, "I swear you guys act like a married couple."

"I agree," Soojin muttered, trying to stifle her own laughter.

"We are not!" Yuqi and Soyeon say at the same time, furthering their annoyance with each other.

"C'mon, Soyeon now you've got to say it back," Shuhua teases, pulling out her phone.

"No! Stop recording me!"

"Yeah, stop!" Yuqi jumps up to get Shuhua at the same time Soyeon does, accidentally tripping the smaller woman. "Shit," Yuqi mutters, slithering forward as quick as she can onto the floor to cushion Soyeon's fall.

"See? What did I tell you, married couple," Shuhua cackles while Soojin and Minnie are doubled over in laughter.

Soyeon hovers over Yuqi's face, mouth gaping in shock. "Did you.. Did you just.."

"Yes.." Yuqi murmurs, growing increasingly aware of the placement of Soyeon's hands. Let's just say they weren't on the floor. "Y-your cheeks are pin–"

Soyeon stood up quickly, running out of the living room back to her own bedroom. She threw her pillows at the wall in frustration, and also embarrassment. Why is Yuqi so annoying? Why is Yuqi so.. Cute?? She groaned, falling into her bed while unable to process all of these conflicting emotions. She didn't even notice when she fell asleep.


Soyeon woke up, groggily searching for her phone. Only 7pm? She wondered what had disturbed her slee–

A desperate knock sounded at her door. Soyeon sighed. "Come in."

The door opened, and there stood Yuqi, in her pajamas, with a pillow in her hands. Dried tears streaked her face and she solemnly plopped down on the bed next to Soyeon. The older raised her head, confused. "What's wrong, Yuqi?"

"I can't sleep without cuddling someone."

"So?" Soyeon rolled over to face her. "Where's that stuffed animal of yours?"

Yuqi furrowed her brows. "She has a name you know. And.." She sighed sadly, "Shuhua, Gigi and I were playing hide and seek and now Shuhua's forgotten where she hid her."

Soyeon slowly put the pieces together. "So you want to cuddle with me?"

Yuqi nods. "I'm sorry I called you that name today, I know you didn't like it."

Soyeon smirked. "It's okay. Come here and cuddle me, daddy." She opens her arms, mission accomplished when she sees Yuqi's face flush pink.

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