Mornings Pt. 2

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(A/N: just to clarify, when i've got part 2s to something it isn't actually a continuation of the first one, just another bit that i thought should have the same name)

Yuqi awoke, her head rising from its position deep in her pillow. Even with her eyes closed, she could tell that Soyeon wasn't lying beside her, but her lover's warmth still lingered somewhat in the fluffy white blankets. Yuqi shifted over to Soyeon's side of the bed, feeling comfortable. She wrapped her arms around her pillow and drew it close, trying to imitate the feeling of Soyeon's embrace. With her face buried in the pillow, she could smell the faint aroma of the other's scented shampoo.

Knowing that she had work today, she sat up and stretched. A low light came from behind closed drapes over the windows. She reached her feet to the floor, standing up. An aching pain in her back, and faintly in her head, greeted her the second her full weight was on her legs.

She did her best to ignore it, regretting staying up late last night to put the finishing touches on her solo album. Yuqi stretched a little more, hoping to rid her body of the aches. She rubbed her tired eyes with the heels of her hands and took a few deep breaths, shaking off the last remnants of sleep.

After a few minutes of stretching, she finally gave up, walking out of the bedroom and towards the enticing smell coming from the kitchen.

Soyeon was standing in front of the stove, cooking something. Yuqi's eyes darted guiltily to the pile of dirty dishes in the sink. Later, they would play rock-paper-scissors over who should do them. And Yuqi, not being some super rapper who can spit out 8.32 syllables per second and probably read other people's thoughts, would lose. Then Soyeon would kiss her on the forehead and promise to wash them herself. Yuqi would then grumble about being able to take care of herself, but in truth, she appreciated it.

Yuqi came up behind Soyeon, wrapping her arms just under the older's chest and resting her chin softly on her shoulder. Soyeon acknowledged her presence by draping her arm across her torso and resting it on Yuqi's arm. And somehow, the soreness in her body melted away.

"Morning, Yuqi," she murmured, still concentrating on cooking the food, but her tense shoulders visibly loosened.

The Beijing girl turned her head slightly to the side, pressing her lips onto the warm skin on Soyeon's neck. She closed her eyes, the heat from the kitchen stove making her tired again. "What are you making?"

Soyeon hummed contentedly, her eyes flickering slightly in surprise when she felt the gentle kiss on her neck. "Pancakes," she said softly, jerking her body a little as she flipped a large one, "did you sleep well?" She finished flipping the rest of them, putting the spatula down on the counter as she set another arm over Yuqi's.

Her face still pressing against Soyeon's neck, she said a muffled, "Yeah. Did you?"

Soyeon leaned her head to the left to rest on Yuqi's. A frustrated sigh escaped her perfect lips. "Not really."

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