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"Fuck! I'm so sorry." Soyeon quickly grabbed a few paper towels from the office's counter, trying not to think of how sensual this situation was as she ran her hands up and down her coworker's chest, trying to dry her shirt.

Yuqi flinched from the temperature of the hot drink that had been spilled all over her white shirt, staining it. But, it quickly cooled, meaning Yuqi was feeling hot by Soyeon's actions. She let out a quiet, awkward chuckle, gently removing Soyeon's, her coworker's, hands from her shirt. It didn't help at all that Yuqi has a crush on her coworker. "It's okay.."

"No, I'm sorry. I have some time after work, I'll go and buy you a new shirt! Or I can pay you–" she began digging in her black work blazer for some cash, but she was stopped by Yuqi.

"It's really alright, I can just change my shirt. Don't apologize."

"Sorry..." Soyeon murmurs, looking down at her feet.

"Ms. Jeon," Yuqi sighs, putting a hand on her chin to make her look back up. "I told you, I'm alright, You've got to stop..." Yuqi swallowed, realizing how close their faces were, "...apologzing.."

Soyeon teetered backwards, giving Yuqi time to get out of this situation that she'd created, but Yuqi didn't move, her eyes on Soyeon's lips.

But suddenly, the younger of the two chuckled, stepping back and setting both of her hands in her pockets. "Well, it was nice running into you," she walks away, wanting to barf and know that Shuhua's going to tease the life out of her once she hears about it. Nice running into you? Smooth, Yuqi! We literally work at the same office!!

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