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Yuqi impatiently led Soyeon into their practice room and pushed her up against the wall. Yuqi kissed her hungrily, her hand slipping southward to pull down Soyeon's pants.

Soyeon's hand stopped her, and she pulled away from Yuqi's kiss. "Woogs, the others will come here in a few minutes..."

Yuqi began to be more gentle, peppering Soyeon's neck with kisses and removing her hand from the band of Soyeon's pants to grip her waist. Soyeon basked in the pleasure, grateful that Yuqi had enough sense not to leave any marks on her. Though she was enjoying this, Soyeon kept an ear out for footsteps of the other member coming in.

Yuqi moved back to take her shirt off, but Soyeon stopped her once more. "We've got to practice now," She said with a small smile as the others entered the room loudly.

Yuqi let out a small whine and reluctantly moved away from Soyeon to get the music on her phone started.

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