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"Amazing! You can come out here now, Yuqi," Soyeon said into the microphone.

Yuqi smiled and turned around to hurry out of the recording booth, excited to spend the rest of the night relaxing.

"FUCK!!" She yelled as she suddenly fell on the floor, face first. Her head felt dizzy, and she couldn't really feel her left arm, but she knew that it was pressed against the side of the door frame. She slipped her tongue around her mouth, relieved when she noticed that none of her teeth were lost. What did I even trip over??

Yuqi retraced her steps in her head and immediately figured it out. She had forgotten to take off her headphones. I'm so stupid.. She wondered how she was going to get off of her current situation laying on the floor.

Before she could think any further, hands were holding onto her shoulders, pulling her into a sitting position. Yuqi sadly wished that she had stayed on the floor, because her head hurt so much right now. So, so much.

Her arm was slung over someone's shoulder, and she was led onto a couch. She leaned back on the couch, eyes closed, body limp. She didn't really want to move anymore. It hurt.

"Yuqi! Yuqi? Shit... you have to wake up..."

Yuqi heard someone's voice, but she couldn't really tell who it was. Soohua? Sojin? Shu– ugh, all of those names sound similar. It was making her head hurt more trying to remember. She could feel someone touching her before she fell into an uneasy sleep.


Yuqi woke up on the same couch in Cube's recording studio. Her head hurt less than it did yesterday, but there was a terrible ache in her left arm and left side. She carefully opened her eyes, and she immediately scanned her own body. She wasn't wearing a shirt, and there were bandages all over her arm and side.

Her eyes landed on a person leaning on the couch sitting on the floor, but for some reason, she couldn't remember their name. Yuqi panicked for a moment, she knows this person, how could she forget their name? She must've hit her head really hard last night.

The woman in front of her had her eyes closed, and a phone to her ear. "I'm so tired," she said to someone on the other line.

"Then go to sleep, Soyeon, for the last time..."

Yuqi closed her eyes again. That's her name, Soyeon. Now I remember.

"You know I can't do that, Soo. I can't until I know she's okay."

"Do you want me to come over there?"

"No, I can handle this myself."

"If you can handle this yourself then why am I talking to you on Miyeon's phone? We've been passing the phone around, taking turns talking to you all night just to make sure you don't go insane. Soyeon, you're not okay."

"I'm fine, I told you. I just–" Soyeon let out a shuddering breath, rubbing the bags under her eyes with her hand.

"No, don't cry..." Soojin could feel the leader's sadness, even through the voice call.

"I'm worried out of my mind, Soojin! What the hell am I supposed to do?? We both know I'm not a doctor, and if I take her to the hospital, this is going to be on the news. That just can't happen."

"I know."

"We've been on the news for too many bad reasons this year...," Soyeon trailed off, swallowing back memories of arguing with Cube about Soojin's case.

Yuqi moved her hand a few inches to brush the older's. Soyeon's head immediately shot up, blinking her bloodshot eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming. The phone fell to the floor with a quiet thump after Soyeon quickly hung up.


"Yeah?" she mumbled, opening her eyes even though it felt like the room was spinning.

Soyeon repositioned herself closer, taking a deep breath. "Do you know who I am?"

"You're Sooj– no, Soyeon."

Soyeon brought up her hands and held up eight fingers. "How many fingers am I holding up?"


Soyeon took in a sharp breath, slowly coming forward to hug Yuqi. Soyeon whispered countless "Thank you"s to whoever was watching over them while tears ran down her face.

Yuqi hugged her back, a little confused. Recalling the call she overheard, she asked, "Why were you so worried about me?"

Soyeon pulled away and looked at Yuqi intensely. "Do you remember that I'm your girlfriend? Of course I would be worried.."

"Why were you so worried?" Yuqi asked again firmly.

Soyeon wiped her tears quickly. "Last night you hit your head pretty hard on the floor and you couldn't get up. A random Cube staff helped me carry you to the couch. When I called your name over and over, you didn't respond. Your eyes were closed, you were barely breathing, and your arm and side were scratched really bad."

Soyeon reached her arm up to cup Yuqi's face with her hand. "Yuqi... I thought I was going to lose you..."

(A/N: in case it wasn't clear, Yuqi hit her head on a concrete floor and barely escaped a serious concussion .-.)

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